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New Dish: Deep Fried Whole Carp...and Still Alive?


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at least they know that the fish is fresh and hasn't been sitting around...

its not something that i would ever order...

I also feel that its terrrrrrrible to deep fry something while its still alive...just brutal

but whatever....people eat some messsed up s**t

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it's obvious that many (if not all) have never personally seen an animal slaughtered for our consumption. if you had, you may not be so judgemental of other cultures for what they practice. do you think the cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, etc., are dead when they butcher them for their meat? if you think that, then you are gravely mistaken. whether they are shot or electrocuted, they are still alive when they are slaughtered and are merely stunned to make it easier for doing what needs to be done. trust me, we are no better than any culture as far as the way we treat animals for our consumption. the difference is, is that you don't see it. you just go to the grocery store, buy what you like and then consume what you buy, but it's no different, other than you didn't see what happens before you buy it. how's that any different than what other cultures do?..............except for the fact that they prefer to see what they are buying before it's killed.

in my eyes, we are no different than anyone else. we are just lulled into a false sense of humanity, that we are somehow more civilized than the "lower class civilizations," when this is far from the truth. the western world is all about commmodities and consumables, with little regard to how we get them, because that's the way we are taught from birth. if you think that video is/was cruel, then seriously, you need to wake up and smell the coffee! that sounds harsh, but it's about as brutally honest as anyone can possibly be. if you take offence at what I've said, it only further proves that you need to do as I previously suggested. so, while I wouldn't personally eat an animal that is still kicking, does that make me any better than those that would? I seem to remember times when I've been to a restaurant and ordered a lobster from a tank, that was placed live in hot water/steam, for my consumable pleasure. so, how can I sit here and judge others for doing more or less the same thing? something to ponder at least.

You have to kill something to eat it. I'm glad you know the difference. Yes I have been in the slaughter house in toronto where they kill hogs. Last time i checked the hogs were killed with electricity to the head then butchered. Big difference Killed first then cut up. Not half killed then eaten while still alive. Lets not loose track of the topic.

Yes we all eat meat (most of us). The meat /poultry is alive and we kill it. I get that. However Once again WE DONT HALF COOK OUR FOOD AND EAT IT WHILE IT IS STILL ALIVE. Well I dont anyways.

Once again even LOBSTER, yes it is alive before I cook it, however it is dead when I eat it. Food chain will never change. We eat everything, the difference between some is the way we decide to do it. Some like to be inhumane, I dont my choice.

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You have to kill something to eat it. I'm glad you know the difference. Yes I have been in the slaughter house in toronto where they kill hogs. Last time i checked the hogs were killed with electricity to the head then butchered. Big difference Killed first then cut up. Not half killed then eaten while still alive. Lets not loose track of the topic.

Yes we all eat meat (most of us). The meat /poultry is alive and we kill it. I get that. However Once again WE DONT HALF COOK OUR FOOD AND EAT IT WHILE IT IS STILL ALIVE. Well I dont anyways.

Once again even LOBSTER, yes it is alive before I cook it, however it is dead when I eat it. Food chain will never change. We eat everything, the difference between some is the way we decide to do it. Some like to be inhumane, I dont my choice.

as I said in my post, whether you electrocute your animal or slug it with a gun, it's still alive when it's slaughtered. if you'de been in the slaughter house, then you would know that to be true. every animal except cows/bulls are electrocuted to "stun" them. the point is, the animals are far from dead (stunned only) when they are butchered.

the point with the lobster is that it's alive when it's thrown in the boiling water/steam. isn't that the same thing as throwing a live fish in hot oil? in my world, it's exactly the same...........how 'bout yours? I'm not debating whether eating something that's alive and half cooked is right or wrong, merely that the initial ways of killing something isn't that different, no matter what culture we live in. it's how we purchase and eat our food that is different. we cannnot claim we are any better than anyone else, cause we do the exact same things as they do. we just consume differently.

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well this topic has proven that alot of people are ethnocentric..... me I will never eat a fish alive, unless I had too, but I wont go out my way to bash people of a different culture who do, hell ill just keep to myself if I witnessed it, its how they do things, also rich I agree with the stun thing, we dont kill our smaller animals for food, we stun them to make the butchering progress easier.

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as I said in my post, whether you electrocute your animal or slug it with a gun, it's still alive when it's slaughtered. if you'de been in the slaughter house, then you would know that to be true. every animal except cows/bulls are electrocuted to "stun" them. the point is, the animals are far from dead (stunned only) when they are butchered.

the point with the lobster is that it's alive when it's thrown in the boiling water/steam. isn't that the same thing as throwing a live fish in hot oil? in my world, it's exactly the same...........how 'bout yours? I'm not debating whether eating something that's alive and half cooked is right or wrong, merely that the initial ways of killing something isn't that different, no matter what culture we live in. it's how we purchase and eat our food that is different. we cannnot claim we are any better than anyone else, cause we do the exact same things as they do. we just consume differently.

I guess we are from different worlds then. My food is not killed for entertainment value. All food that is being processed for consumption in my world should be done as humanly as possibly. That does not include eating half cooked fish/animals that are still alive for entertainment value. At least the hogs/cattle are stunned or killed outright before butchered. If you want to play with your food in your world have fun.

All else aside good discussion.

I think we could agree to disagree all day. Any other opinions

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All else aside good discussion.

I think we could agree to disagree all day. Any other opinions

I second that, too much work typing out a discussing

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I've eaten live minnows before. Does that make me inhumane? Those buggers got to see themselves all all the way down to my stomach acid.


whatever floats your boat, but my god I cant stop laughing when you typed that.

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I'm not debating whether eating something that's alive and half cooked is right or wrong, merely that the initial ways of killing something isn't that different, no matter what culture we live in.

The whole point of this discussion is that there is no "initial" way of killing the fish because it is alive while it's being eaten, unless you call people slowly pulling meat off of it the initial kill. In that case, I don't see how that is similar to dropping a lobster in boiling water because a lobster dies in a matter of seconds. I'm sure it takes the fish much longer than that to succumb.

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The chinese prefer fresh fish. The fresher the better. This is fresh fish taken to the extreme by a chef. I don't think that this kind of thing goes on in everyday kitchens. I think it is cruel as well. Anybody ever eat raw oysters on the half shell? They're $12.99 a case at Fortinos/Loblaws.

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So a fish that bites an angler's hook wins the death lottery, mercy vs a fish that is swooped away by an osprey? Pretty certain they don't practice quick humane kills.

I at least let the minnows have the numbing effect of alcohol while I swallow them whole.

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Agreed, definitely freshness taken to a ridiculous point, and probably not the easiest dish to cook if you want to think about the physical act of cooking it. I assume being live it is guts and all and wouldn't you then be picking around insides trying to eat it? More of a hassle than anything. I hope that fish gave a wicked tail kick and burned the crazy cooks ass with hot oil. :)

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Bass Pro Shop Does have its deep fry Turkey Fryer on sale this week. I guess we could take it to a whole new level. That would put the Christmas Vacation (movie) Turkey to shame. :roflblack:

:roflblack: I dont know does a dried out turkey to the extreme beat a barely kicking deep fried carp

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you guys seem to think that it's just the work of some insane chef, doing it for kicks. if you search around, you'll see that this is quite normal practice in that part of the world. they even have competitions to see who can prepare, cook and serve this type of dish the fastest. I've even seen snakes beheaded, cut up and served in a salad, with the muscles of the snake parts still moving. or how about skinning eels alive, before preparing them for the bowl. have you ever seen these people beat a dog over the head to stun it and then skin it alive? the point is, this is normal for them. I don't agree with it, but at the same time, who am I (or anyone else) to tell them it's wrong, when that's how they've been raised? I'm sure they think some of the things we do are barbaric, or borderline disfunctional, just as we do about them for certain things.

so, as stated before, we can agree to disagree about certain things, but who are we to judge someone else for what they do? I certainly don't judge the folks that shoot animals for the supposed sport of it. personally speaking, it's not very sporting at all, but I don't judge them for doing it, if that's what they enjoy.............that's the joy of living in a democratic society, where everyone has a right to their own oppinions and life choices.

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All I know is I would try it if I ventured over to Japan. Sushi at its' freshest.

Go to Japan via the WWW and get the scoop on how to prepare a live carp . Visit Martindale Pond @ mdroad.com ....bring some corn . I will be happy to attend the dinner & I'll bring the sakki and fries . :Gonefishing:

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Whats wierd about this is they don't say the fish was "eaten/cooked alive" they just say its "moving" so I'm pretty sure this is just the nervous response of the fish(similar to that of a chicken that has had its head cut off) and that the fish has already been killed because if the chef is holding a live fish by the head and putting 3/4 of it into hot oil i'm pretty sure the fish is gonna thrash and splash hot oil on everyone because the cook would have both hands on the upper portion of the fish while the rest of the fish is still able to move but if the fish was already dead the chef would not have to worry about getting burnt by hot oil.

That being said I would much prefer my fish dead(and not moving) and cooked through before I eat it.

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oH oH oH

But does a pike kill a perch before chowing down?

Does a pack of wolves kill a deer before ripping into it?

Does a snake kill a frog before swallowing it?

But does a pike deep fry a live perch before chowing down?

Does a pack of wolves deep fry a live deer before ripping into it?

Does a snake deep fry a live frog before swallowing it?

I am no PETA nut but each of these animals are capable of feeling pain.

Anyone who doubts being deep fried alive is the worst agony you will ever feel. Feel free to go to your local fast food joint and immerse your hand in a deep fryer.

While in High School a friend of mine worked at Mc.Feces. He slipped and caught himself by putting his arm elbow deep in the fryer for about 2 seconds. It took the ambulance 4 minutes to get there. He said if he had access to a gun he would have used it on himself. The pain was that intense.

2 weeks later when the hospital took him off of heavy sedation he was still in agony. Even with a heavy supply of pain killers.

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You do realize that fish and humans do not share the same ability to react to pain. We feel pain, they feel "discomfort", as in temp changes, responding to attempted capture by SWIMMING AWAY from you with a hook in its mouth.

Would you?

I don't believe that for one second. ALL animals have pain receptors of some kind. I've heard people say this about dogs too, but go step on a dog's tail and see what it "says" about it. I'm sure if fish had vocal chords, I'm sure you'de hear what it has to say if you stuck a knife into it. if you had taken biology at the university level, you would have learned that ALL animals have pain receptors and it's how every animal learns about its environment. fotunately for us, most fish have a very short attention span, which allows us to catch fish over and over, but fear and pain is passed down by evolution of DNA. I'de like to know where you get the information that says fish don't feel pain. not calling you out or anything, just wondering where you got that info. most of this type of info is heresay and one of those urban legend type of situation.

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