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Niagara Region Success

Tony Scavo

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I was finally able to seal the deal with this Niagara Region giant on Dec 20. After having to let this buck walk two years in a row (08/09) and once in the pre-rut this season because I was not comfortable with the shot angle I had at this 9-pointers vitals with the crossbow.

This bruiser was coming to the cut corn where my tree stand is blended in with a huge pine tree along the edge of the cut corn field. The Carbon Express arrow hit the mark at thirty yards and after a forty-five minute wait I followed a good blood trail 120 yards to where the buck laid down and took his final breaths.

My Thunderhead Brodhead did the damage to this Monarchs liver and both lungs. It was an exciting time for me in the field this year, and this is my biggest buck to date and it only took me 26 years to do it. It is definitely in the hard to do category!

All The best to my fellow Archery hunters in 2011.





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Congrats Tony !! That is a nice healthy looking buck . That was a good shot putting the arrow right where you wanted it ! Niagara deer are very good eating since they have a mixed food supply from farms & bush areas .

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Hey Tony I have a good butcher for ya :D

Nice buck. I have a friend who got one similar but it was still chasing does and had little fat on it. Your looks like good eating. Also good karma on you for not taking a shot if you weren't sure. :worthy: but it looks like he was worth the wait.

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