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Gps & Ice Fishing


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Just curious how many use a GPS for ice fishing? I have a hand held unit and few times I have ice fished recently I used it. Do soft water fishing spots relate to hard water spots or does the fishery completely change when the water freezes?

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I rely on my hand held big time for hard water. I often make a way point on spots where I'm catching good numbers or big fish. It's also nice because if I find a nice hump, timber pile, rock pile, any other structure in the soft water season, I can mark it and check it out during ice season.

Good Fishing!

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call me old school but i fish mainly for perch and from my limited knowledge i know they tend to move around. there are some spots like the canal where i just go to the same places that have produced in the past but in the lake i pretty much just go by my usual sightlines and if i dont catch i just move.sometimes we tend to rely too much on technology.

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sine I don't drive the only spots I fish are local through ice, so I don't use Global Positioning System, since once again, I know most of the spots where the fish are, If I find an area which I caught fish, I just remember a certain landmark and than off to the races.

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I have been thinking about getting a hand held Gps for fishing. Something i could use on the water from my boat or on hard water. I want to use it for marking certain drops and piles. But also i do a lot of hiking so i would like to use it for this to. Is there a certain hand held gps you guys could recommend for something like this.

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