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Welland river 04/22/2005


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Came off midnights today and after some breaky decided to drive by the river to see if anyone catching.Low and behold there is Smerchly and Dr.BOB wetting their lines. After yapping with them for a while and watching a few small crappie caught and seeing Dr.bob catch a monster channel cat they talked me into getting out my rigs. It didn't take long to land a respectable crappie. things were slow by the river standards but not dead.Smerchly and BOB managed a few more and then it was my turn. after a couple light twitches I think good a crappie, NOT, my pole bends and I set the hook and off it went ,back and forth. A respectable carp, I manage to finesse it in without breaking off the 6lb along with it came a perch,a double header. After a couple of picks from the boys back it goes. Thing slowed down from there .Possibly they sense the weather change ? Bob and Smerch pack it in to try another hole and I stay till my bait is gone which they so graciously suppled and I thank them for that. I hope I can return the favour soon. I did manage another crappie under the bridge a little bigger than the first and gave it to a elderly gent that showed up. All in all a good morn,Heck any fishing morn is a good one.

As I stated in a earlier post I have 2 weeks off now and I hope the weather cooperates so I can live up to my monicker.

Smerchly and Dr.Bob it was a pleasure, we will fish again and again and........

Now I need a drink after this long winded post,my mouth is dry from typing......Thom :dunno:

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surfish%20%26dr.bob%20at%20it.jpg .....

Here's the two old pro's Dr.Bob & Sirfishalot patiently waiting for the call of the wild to tug on their lines . Good talking to you Thom, you finessed that brut in nicely and it was fun just being at the ole fishing hole catching a good variety of fish . I took that smaller channel cat home....want see what they taste like with the cajun -cornmeal coating ....if I can get it past my nose.......sure stunk like hell when I cleaned it !! See you down there in the boonies again I'm sure . Bill

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Sirfish at his finest moment.....with dinner... :) .a double header ??? Are you allowed to use perch for bait ? B) Oh well, we had some fun with the big cats and mud cats and a few crappie in that muddy water ! You can float fish or bottom fish in that shallow water , either way , with a bunch of worms or minnows , you can give your reels a work out ! Sirfish , with all that "off" time on your hands , I'm sure I'll see you there again .

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Smerch in some countries that would be dinner. Like maybe dunnville or south side of Buffalo B)

I just finished a side of salmon with montreal steak spice sprinkled on it .broiled in a foil tent for 12 to 15 minute at 400 ce.l Mouth watering and to die for.

If I close my eyes I can dream that it is a delicacy of river carp...MMMMM.

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Well Sirfish......we had crappy and one channel cat (with fries) for supper today. The cat tasted like........ old socks , or carp ? ....It wasn't really that appetizing , but I think the cajun spice was too old and we had to use flour instead of cornmeal . And the flesh was soft & watery ....maybe try the BBQ next time and let the fillets dry out a bit . Betcha old Sam who fishes the point there knows how to do them up right ! I still haven't thrown up yet , so I think I'll be able to get out soon . Know any good receipes for turtle soup ? Dr.Bob saw a big snapper stick his head up just before you came down where you caught the carp . We were waiting to see if you might hook into it .... :) and there are a lot of snakes in there too....they were running ? ...slithering all over the day before .They love the warm sun ,but Sam wasn't exactly in love with them ! He saw a whole ball of them a while back and said to himself...."Legs.....get me the hell out of here!! " Glad you enjoyed the salmon ......did you get that at IGA or Zhers ? B)

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I didn't see a sense in starting a new thread based on the Welland River so I'll just put it here.

Okay so at 6:00Pm today Saturday April 23rd 2005..lol me and the girlfriend headed out to go do some river fishing for channel cats.

Well our night started out heading to Dunnville at the Grand River talking to two OPP officers about directions to the Cement Plant. we got there and it was too windy, so we decide to go pay the 7.00 to get into the Grand Island BBQ place and yeah, that didnt turn out too well, I got my car stuck in the mud and took like a half hour to get it out then a nother guy came in and got his car stuck in the mud also, so we were coverd in mud trying to help him get his car out.

so anyways, we asked for our money back at the gate cause we couldnt even reach the water with my car and so the fine lovely lady gave me back my money and we used it to go wash the car.....lol

By this time it is 8:15Pm and we still haven't dipped our lines in the water.

So I decided to go to Wellandport and use my BRAND new coleman propane lantern and so we got there and it was just a little breezie but just when we set up a van load of guys showed up and started being annoying within the first 5 minutes they were there, so I said screw this and was getting pretty annoyed that I still havent fished yet.

So now its now about 9:20 and Iam pissed and want to go home when I find a nice spot on the Welland River on River Rd. on my way home, so I stopped got the lantern lit, set up my pole, set up a Y branch and then fell on my butt in a HUGE pile of mud and almost slid into the River.

Now I am really Not a happy camper.

Anyways cated out my line once set it down and had one strike within 2 minutes, I went to set teh hook but I missed it.

So I re-casted out and the pole sat for like 5 seconds and then I got a hit and i set the hook and came up with a 4 inch Bull Head Cat and the girlfriend was already playing with the digital camera cause she liked how the flash made the lures glow.

So she insited on taking a picture, then I grabbed teh cat and one of his spines pricked my in the palm of my hand and so she took the pic and let him go.


I must say that after having such a HORRIBLE NIGHT!!!! just catching that one fish really made my day, and I want to go out tomorrow (weather permitting) and hoping that I have a better night.

Signed: Frank A.K.A. Frop

P.S. Apologies for my story being so long.

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Frop that sounds like a regular day of fishing for me. Just add 2 whining kids. B)


lol, good stuff then at least I aint the only one that has a hard time fishing.

Oh yeah, and the Jokes that I cracked in the car on the way home about my girlfriends pants


LOL, need I say more? :)

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Guest chilli

And you said it was the fish that made your night

.................................. B) ......................

So how's that prick in your hand? :)

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quick off topic/on topic q.

what you like to use for baiting those channel cats

im headin to dunnville in a few days :worthy:

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Here is some baits you can use for catfish.

Fresh Dew Worms




Fresh Chicken Liver or Chicken Liver That Spoils In The Sun In Better.


Chicken Hotdogs that soak in Vanilla Extract


Shrimp Soaked In Vanilla Extract


If you want though, you take a bunch of dead minnows stick them in a mason jar and leave it out in the hot sun with the lid on it for a couple days until the minnows turn into a liquid.

Then cut up some little pieces of sponge from the dollar store and put them in the jar (usually about 5 square pieces) shake up the jar really good with the sponges in it. then when u go fishing take one sponge out put it on your #2 hook, cast out in a nice spot on the river and just relax and watch for the hits.

If nothing bites within about 10 minutes then reel in, put the sponge from the hook back in the jar and take a new one out and put it on your hook and cast out in a new spot.

WARNING!! This Bait Really STINKS!!


Here is 6 House Hold Recipies

Recipe #1

O.K., here's a bait that won't fall of your hook and catch giant cats!

• 1 cup flour

• 2 tbs peanut butter

• 3 tps syrup

• 3 tps veggie oil

• 2 tps garlic oil

• mustard

• 1 egg

Stir with water until you form dough. Good luck!!!

Recipe #2


• 2 cups flour

• 1/3 cup veg oil

• 1/3 cup cornstarch

• 1/3 cup water

• 1 tbsp BBQ sauce

• 1 tbsp Italian Dressing


Mix water, flour, veg oil, and cornstarch in large bowl. Continue mixing until a dough is formed then add the BBQ sauce and Italian dressing. Now pick up the dough ball and nead it in your hands until it turns to a light tan color (it's greasy, but hey, you'll be handling it soon anyway!). Put the smelly concoction in a ziplock bag. Take it fishing. Catch fish. Bottom line.


Recipe #3

This is Good For Catfish & Carp:

You'll Need:

• 1 Hotdog

• 2 cups Of Flour

• 2 Slices Of Cheese

• 3/4 Cup Of water

Chop the hot dog into small pieces. Put it in a mixing bowl - then add flour. Chop the cheese into small bits too. Mix. Then add the water. Mix & knead. Refrigerate.

Recipe #4

This one has worked well to fill my stringer.

1. parmesan cheese

2. blue cheese or sharp cheddar

3. some flour (3 cups)

4. garlic powder

5. 1 cup oil

Mix all ingredients together in a blender or food processor. Add oil to the mixture if it is too dry, add more flour if mixture is too watery. Put in a zip lock bag and head to the lake. Let me know how this works for you @ gmcvannn@cs.com. I have had much success with it.

Recipe #5

Buy some of the cheapest wieners you can find. Cut them up into 1/4 inch pieces and put them in a 1 quart glass jar. Then pour 2 packs of red Kool-Aid on them and add 2 tablesthingys of fresh garlic. Fill the jar up with water. Put lid on and let set overnight. Use with straight hooks or trebles. Tight Lines!

Recipe #6

Try this...

• 1/2 cup of flour

• 1/2 cup of cornmeal

• 1/4 or more of parmesan cheese

• 2 tbls garlic powder

Mix these ingredients together, then add enough water to make the mixture sticky, roll into balls and pinch around treble hooks.


A strawberry doughball is simply a doughbait flavored with strawberry, usually strawberry jello or kool-aid is used as the flavoring.

A simple dough can be made by taking equal amounts of regular white flour and either white or yellow cornmeal and adding kool-aid or jello (in liquid form), then mixing it until it becomes a doughy mixture, then kneading it until it no longer sticks to your hands. You should now have a dough that can be molded into a ball and put on a hook like you would Power Bait trout paste or any other dough or paste bait. I usually make the koolaid or jello mix very strong (lots of powder to water ratio) in order to make a strong flavored bait.


Make a catfish cheeseburger '' using equal parts of raw hamburger and a strong cheese like limburger.Mix with hot water and enough flour so the mixture will form a balls that will stay on your hook.

Hope thats enough for ya.

Good Luck.

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Frop.......you must have worked in a restaurant to have receipes like that ! My mouth was watering reading your post !With meals like that , the channel cats will come right out of the water to get at that shrimp-chicken-hotdog, topped with parmesan-cheddar-limberger cheese, and covered with Italian-garlic-veggie dressing ! I have to give you credit for sticking it out in that lousy cold wet muddy weather.! If I see a guy & girl out there all covered in mud , I'll know it's Frop & Fropelle chasing the big cats . If I'm hungry ,I might ask you for a little snack from your cuisine ? Great post Frop.......thanks for the morning chuckle & good info for us guys who like to go after the big cats ! Wet a line !! :worthy:

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Frop.......you must have worked in a restaurant to have receipes like that ! My mouth was watering reading your post !With meals like that , the channel cats will come right out of the water to get at that shrimp-chicken-hotdog, topped with parmesan-cheddar-limberger cheese, and covered with Italian-garlic-veggie dressing ! I have to give you credit for sticking it out in that lousy cold wet muddy weather.! If I see a guy & girl out there all covered in mud , I'll know it's Frop & Fropelle chasing the big cats . If I'm hungry ,I might ask you for a little snack from your cuisine ? Great post Frop.......thanks for the morning chuckle & good info for us guys who like to go after the big cats ! Wet a line !! :worthy:

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:dunno: lol, Nope I have never worked in a Restaurant.

I got those recipies from my Catfish Recipie Book that I compiled together from years of internet browsing...lol and I just check mark my favourite ones that have givein me results.

Most of the time Iam just lazy and use minnows and worms, lol

But since i've had my book ofr quite a bit lately, I have started making some of these recipies again to try out this week.

Ive never tried consuming any of these catfish bait contraptions but feel free to find me along the river and try some, <_<

Iam Gald you liked my fishing report from yesterday night..lol

What part of the Welland River do you usually stick around?? Me I like to go just by pass the Train bridge on river road in Wainfleet.

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