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After spending my youth fishing on lake ontario and erie, and giving it up when i started high school, 20 years later an invite to bass fish this summer got me right back into it. Learned a ton thru advice and trial and error. Cant wait until next year. These are some of my results from August to December, some of which i may have posted on here already.


How did everyone else do?

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Started out my fishing season on Lyon's creek Victoria Day weekend. All I got there was a sunburn... A bad one.

Bass opener at Mountsberg was a load of pike but no bass. On the advice of some members I went to a couple spots on Lyon's creek closer to Welland and was rewarded with some largemouths. Also fished the tubes at Marlatts and went 50/50 for the number of times I was there. Camping this year, north of Kingston, I had a ton of hits but only 2 fish the whole time. It was probably the heat as the guy who owns the campground/resort said fishing had been slow most of the summer. Vacation at Oldman's lake near Magnetawan, resulted in a few largemouth, and a tiny smallmouth.

I fished Bronte creek in the fall, and saw lots of acrobatic fish, including one that nearly landed in my canoe, but nothing caught.

My last time out, I think was Thanksgiving weekend, but it was cold and windy and I caught nothing.

All in all, it was a more successful year than the past few, which is encouraging, and I hope next year is even better.

I'm more confident in paddling my canoe solo, than I have been in the past so I think I'll be good unless the wind picks up which means that I'll be out more often as I won't always have to rely on having a paddling partner.

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Nice slideshow toaster! This year was also an amazing year for me (totally blew away my expectations). At the start of the summer, my buddy and I decided to take up a new hobby (we had both fished a decent amount when we were younger, but neither of us had been out for a while). We thought, "fishing can't be THAT expensive and what a great way to spend some time outdoors". Well, we were right about one of those two things! It's also funny looking back to the beginning of the summer and how we used to split our time pretty much evenly between fishing and golf. Then something changed...we started catching fish and the amount of time spent golfing decreased significantly to the point where we were fishing every day (haven't been out to Brock Golf Land since June). Personally, fishing has become more than a hobby for me...it's become a way of life. I've had my ups and downs in life (as all of us have), but after picking up fishing again this year...I feel like life has stabilized and I'm right where I'm meant to be. I've met some of the nicest people in my outings and have made some memories that'll last a lifetime. Wishing everyone tight lines in 2012!

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This was an incredible year....

My 7 year old son and I fished this summer in Jordan Harbour and went 16 trips in a row with fish... all pan fish, 90 % perch, all catch and release.

Then when the Jordan River side of the highway closed for the season we started fishing on the Lake side of the bridge and we have not caught a thing since... probably about 10 trips out and no fish.....

We can't wait for the perch to site biting again......


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@Niagaraangler i have the same feeling about fishing,Ive always said that its therapeudic.I believe that it balances life,relieves stress,excercises,and helps with general well-being.Now i just have to convince my wife that fishing plays a part in my mental and physical health lol

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@Niagaraangler i have the same feeling about fishing,Ive always said that its therapeudic.I believe that it balances life,relieves stress,excercises,and helps with general well-being.Now i just have to convince my wife that fishing plays a part in my mental and physical health lol

Haha that's a whole different battle! Anyone with any advice? Lol I'm starting to get an idea for a new thread.. :P

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