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1 Billion Sunfish, And...

Rachel M

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Spent abou 3 hrs today around Decew, and thanks to some lovely lighting I could see about a billion assorted sunfish and others just floating around. Saw a mighty lunker of a bass guarding a nest, so I left her alone. Couple of other fish in the water I couldn't quite i.d., but here's what bit and held on long enough for me to bring em in!



Probably my first bluegill!




Also, what is this last one? The stripes makes my brain say a bass, but I have no idea really.

I only kept one sunfish, hopefully mr. weasel likes him!

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Green sunfish! Is the last one. Hopefully the culprit will get caught tonight! I would say you could borrow my dogs but they might play will all your livestock.XD And they usually go for the throat. I am trying to get my Shiba Inu into hunting small game. The husky will go after rabbits and bring em back to me. But nothing else! So might be a hit and miss either theyll eat the weasel or play with it.

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Neat-o! I've finally come to the conclusion that throwing my hook at big fish whenever I see them isn't the way to catch them! Once they started biting, it was less than 30 seconds between casting and a tug on the line. Clearly the big ones are smart enough to spit it back out, or else I'd have a tonne more! That third=to-last photo didn't even have a worm on the hook though. Another fish nabbed it, and he grabbed it as I tried bringing it back in! They may not be big, but these sunnies sure are greedy! Works for me!

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