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First I would like to say that this is a great forum. Thanks for providing all the great info.

For the past few weeks I've been going to port trying some of the things that have been posted. Still trying to get that first fish. I'm bottom bouncing with a three way setup (weight either directly under the three way or on a 6" dropper, anywhere from 18" to 4' leader) using yarn flies, pink worms, etc) I haven't tried roe or streamers yet.

I think I have the weight thing figured out, but I still can't seem to connect with a fish.

What am I doing wrong? Is it the bait? I'm using power pro mainline - very strong but visible. Is this a problem? (when I get hung up, I can typically pull in what I'm getting snagged on-thanks guys for all the terminal tackle I've managed to retrieve :-). )

Any instruction you can provide would be appreciated .

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Trout spook very easily, it could be anything from the size of your 3-way, the size of your hook to the length of your leader. If you are using a larger swivel or your weight is close to it and your leader is short it could be spooking the fish. In clear water try using a longer leader, especially if you have a very visible mainline. You could try some roe bags. You can buy them pre tied so all you have to do is throw them on a hook.

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Drifter, I,m using a 10.5' fenwick hmx noodle rod. I can feel the weight bouncing on the bottom, but I can't seem to get that first fish. Although I've caught fish trolling, never one using these techniques. What does it feel like when the fish takes the bait? Is it very different from the feel of the weight, or is it a very suttle difference?

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Yeh, you will feel the rod pump when a fish hits. Keep your terminal tackle small...light leader 6lb and maybe try it longer 5-6ft. Switch things up often...try some jigs, streamers, plastics. You want to feel that tick tick tick of the bottom and sounds like your getting that part...just keep at. Things have been a little tougher lately, but you,ll connect eventually.

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Here's a few tips, Increase your leader length 6' minimum, normally I run 8' and 10'-12' in really clear water, I always drift with Braid( power-pro 10lb). The leader length I think is the biggest problem, the 10.5' fenwick is a good drifter, use small hooks, I use #14 kamazan or #12 but I prefer the #14 lately they may look to small but they work gooooooood. Also 8lb or 6lb Berkley gold flurocarbon for the leader is nice line, it is really abrasion resistant compared to mono. Experience is the single best teacher for Port D trout, the more you fish them the better you'll get, the first one is always the hardest, the more you catch the more confidence you'll have and hence your catch rate increases.

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Great, I'm just going to stock up on tons of different colours, Thanks for the tips, i will be trying on the humber today hopefully it won't be too washed up, and i will back in niagara this weekend. Hope to see you guys there. I'm suspecting this weekend it going to be a craz

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Great, I'm just going to stock up on tons of different colours, Thanks for the tips, i will be trying on the humber today hopefully it won't be too washed up, and i will back in niagara this weekend. Hope to see you guys there. I'm suspecting this weekend it going to be a craz

Looking forward to seeing a report!

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Pinks and purples have always been great steelie colours.

I agree pink purple blue in any combinations as well. How a fish likes pink worms or pink sucker spawn is beyond me. They must see the colour differant in the water.

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Very interesting article Mick. Points out some good things when tying up flies. Dark over light is one i need to remember for sure.

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that was me 3 years ago.id bottom bounce plastics, than jig with a hair jig, than fish lures.Mepps 3 silver on 8lb flurocarbon got my first bow.constanly changing depths.id get the hit working the spinner down in the current opposed to reeling it in.weird.was out 5 or 6 times before i got one.that was in port by the dam when there is good current. sometimes id add a split shots to get it a bit deeper 3 foot from the spinner.got my third bow like that on a gold mepps 3.

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What does it feel like when the fish takes the bait? Is it very different from the feel of the weight, or is it a very suttle difference?

First feeling is just like you're about to get snagged. At that point LIFT the rod tip. Then if the rod starts pumping, reel down quickly, and firmly (not violently) set the hook. If you're using good sharp hooks, there's no need to dislocate their jaw.

I got my first rainbow on my first time out, then couldn't get another the whole next year. Time on the water definitely pays off, even if you're not catching anything, you're still learning. Watch anyone who is catching fish, look at their presentation, see how they're working the current.

Persistence pays off.

Just a side note, "Stay in the game !!!" Murphy's law has it, that as soon as your attention is directed away from your rod, you'll miss a fish.

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Just a side note, "Stay in the game !!!" Murphy's law has it, that as soon as your attention is directed away from your rod, you'll miss a fish.

That is soooooo true. the exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago....was float drifting a stretch of water, turn to talk to my friend and when I looked back I did not see my float...first instinct set the hook---- FISH ON, never even seen him take it down. Need to be paying attention for sure....good point.

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That is soooooo true. the exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago....was float drifting a stretch of water, turn to talk to my friend and when I looked back I did not see my float...first instinct set the hook---- FISH ON, never even seen him take it down. Need to be paying attention for sure....good point.

thats the same deal with when you gotta piss when your fishing, you turn around for one second to do your business and next thing you know your rods being yanked into the water

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POWER PRO MINNOWS 3 inch to 4 inch on emerald shiner and smelt and white. I am an avid bottom bouncer and I feel using the power pro super 8 slick and or just power pro is a waste of money get yourself a mainline of either 8-10 pound trilene (cheap stuff) and seagur floro for your leader get rod of the swivel and just use a clinch a steelhead knot and use the tag end about 1 foot to your weight and then the leader of about 4-5 feet long just trust me use power pro minnows not gulp alive!!

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I was on fire at Port D using chartreuse plastic minnows and then it all stopped! Now i have been lucky with the pinks. Funny how certain colours are hot one day and the next not! Gonna head out there tomorrow and hopefully get a few!

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