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I Got Skunked On Fathers Day..........no Really!


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Fathers Day morning with my wife, 6 year old son, and 6 month old daughter could not have been better. We had a nice relaxing breakfast then it was off to Fishing World for my fathers day present,(so excited).

My wifes father ended up meeting us there as he had expressed to me prior that he was looking to get a new set up.

My wife ended up getting the Pfleuger Trion combo, My father inlaw pickes up a shimano sienna and we paired it with the convergence, and for myself, a Crucial jerbait rod.

After returning home, and after drooling over everything lol I quickly get everyones setups spooled and ready to go, but we are not going fishing.

We head out to the grocers to pick up everything we need for dinner over at the inlaws and yep im doing the cooking as allways :)

Shortly before dinner the neighbour comes over to ask for some help..............with baby skunks.....5 of them.

We trap 2 of them and then I just picked up the other 3 and we get them into box. I ask Dan what he planned on doing with them and hes tells me hes gonna just take them out to the woods and let them go.

WHOAAAAAAA buddy no your not! We'll take 'em. No way they would last the night, the have been without parent for at least a week, they are shivering, dehydrated and probably starving.

So after dinner, we pack them up and head home.

Once we get them home and the kids to bed I built a little nest out of some old towels and a hot water bottle to bring up there temps.

An hour later its time to get something into their systems, Gatorade and yoghurt for all. Now by this time im in love lol so cute!!


One at a time we start to feed them and they seem to be very appreciative!


After some research on the internet we find a place to take them and then its off to bed.

UGH. Morning comes too quick sometimes, time to say goodbye,



Off to work, but 1st I take them to their new home for the next 15 weeks until the volunteers at http://www.urbanwildlifecare.com/# deem them safe to release back into the wild.

Over the next 2 months my wife and I are going to volunteer some time at the centre, and I hope they will let us be apart of their release....I miss them already!

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At first I was pretty cautious. but you can tell when they are about to spray, they stomp their feet and then turn around.

these little fellas were only about 4 weeks old, and they smell a bit like a puppy and a ferret. They were pretty scared but they calmed right down when we warmed them up. To stop them from spraying you have to tuck their tail inbetween their legs when you hold them.

Id like to think that somehow they knew we were trying to help them, just before I went to bed I went in to check on them and they all started cooing so I picked them up and they started snuggling into my shirt. It was pretty cool.

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Chef Mick ....the Skunk Whisperer :skunk::wub: . Good on ya Mick , it's nice of you to step up and care for these little animals that would have died without their mother .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just went to see if my quints were ok, Cara at wildlife center said they were doing awesome,(and they really appreciate all the veggie scraps I drop off for her twice a week.) Cara is going to call me when they are ready to be released so I can take my son to say good bye. Ill take pics if im able!!

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Real nice of you to help these little creatures with the scrap veggies , I'm sure they appreciate your help very much .

When I was a kid , well a younger one , my Dad's family knew a wrestler named Sky Hi Lee .....6' 8" tall , long scraggy hair and a face only a blind grandma could appreciate .....real scary to us kids .....until one day he walked into my grandparents house ,ducking his head as he came through the doorway , with a pet skunk on his shoulder . This was about 1950 when I'd be 7 yrs. old . We petted the skunk (with reluctance) after he told us it was "fixed" ....can't spray you . When I was a teen , I tried to catch a skunk using a cardboard box.....it sprayed inside the box which I tossed back into the basement , When my parents came home about 9 pm they noticed a pungent odour outside and much heavier in the house . Needless to say , I threw that box outside far from the house . There are many skunk stories out there and I love to read them .

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