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Saltwater Fishing In New Haven Connecticut


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I landed three of this type of saltwater fish while fishing New Haven Connecticut area on June 25th, the fish I landed, which I do not even know its name, the fish do not have any teeth, yet it was aggressive enough to attack my Kwikfish/flatfish. Two fish landed were around 1 lber, while the third one was roughly 3 lber.

Location: Walnut beach, New Haven Connecticut. Saltwater shoreline fishing.

Weather: calm sunny hot day, around 85 degrees, hardly any wind.



two video:



Water had receded by 7am when I got there, at first glance of the area was to my disappointment, sandy bottom and flat shoreline everywhere. I was not sure if I was able to even catch anything since there were no rocks, nor weeds, no corals, except sand everywhere, but lots of clams. Quite a few people were collecting buckets of clams for food. Water was flat, clean, and very calm and I was able to walk for half a Km out of the shore, before water reaches knee deep. I casted for half an hour, but was getting negative vibes, after viewing the sandy flat bottom around me, a very different experience compared to fishing our Kawarthas lake, when we normally would fish on weed beds.

When I notice my line started to move to my surprise, I made a comment to myself and said "NO WAY!" Another fish was also followed the fish I just caught(see video). Then the second fish came 20 minutes after, and the third bigger fish , all within 2 hrs of fishing. I called it quits since I left my wife at the motel and we have to check out to go somewhere else. The tide had also started to come in, I was concern, that I would not be able to get back to shore, since some areas I ventured through have deeper drop off slope and sea water can fill it quite easily in no time.

I was also using my waders with a leak on it, not sure how the rubber mold had a hole in it, it was somewhat uncomfortably fishing with full of water inside one of my legs, even if water was warm.

Based on this new discovered fishing experience, I would comment, it would be easier to fish on saltwater system. There seem to be more abundant fish compared to fishing our over fish pressured lake system. The fun part of my fishing day was I was using artificial lure rather than having to use clam as bait.

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Never been to the ocean, but I'd love to do an East Coast jaunt for Tuna, Bluefish, Mackerel and Cod.

Mackerel and bluefish can be a blast. Cod aren't especially good as sportsfish, but are tasty (once you get past the worms). There is no recreational fishing for bluefin in Canada (some commercial fishermen will let you fish on their licence for a fee). Shark fishing can be a thrill, but killing sharks in Canadian waters is prohibited, so its all C&R.

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Might sound like a dumb question but how did you go about handling a fish you have never seen nor heard of?

I just unhooked the fish with my pliers on the water without having to hold the fish.

The fish swims left and right more so then straight, and has no teeth.

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