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Trip From The North


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I haven't been posting any trips at all recently because I haven't been doing too many. I have lots going on this summer between work, planning a wedding and studying for a pilots license, so fishing has been put on the back burner this summer. But, not entirely on the back burner! That would be crazy. So, late this spring I took advantage of getting my fiancee out for some Trout fishing. Now, Jenny is a real catch. She usually helps me pack my gear and food for a few nights in the bush and happily sees me off to swat humbuzzinn' mosquito's and black fly's alone and welcomes me home, eager to hear my stories and see the catch brought back for dinner. Sunday night dinner is always reserved for fresh trout. I walk in to the house and I can smell the veggies and potatoes waiting for the Speck' to hit the pan providing I've returned on time! She's a good woman that Jenny. So, I really wanted to get her out on one of these trips when the bugs are still mild and the fish bite is on. I had my fly gear with me but they wanted none of it. The water was still too high. Usually this area can only be reached by very long walks while dragging a canoe. This trip, the fish were being caught off the bottom so hard barbless tackle was the choice.

We both took the afternoon off work and, loaded the canoe and dog and headed out on our search for the famed sea trout. As usual, they welcomed out arrival.


Jenny lands a beauty....


Even the pickerel kept and eye out for us...


We were only 10 minutes in at this point and the bugs were starting to come out. My dogs eyes started swelling up so we fed her some dog treats soaked in benedryl (I carry an assortment of meds/survival needs in my bushpurse) and the swelling started dropping right away, buying us time to fish a little longer before leaving the creek to make camp on the big water of the Moose where the wind blows strong most every day and night. No bug is a match for the Moose. Sometimes, no boat is a match for the moose either.

Back to fishin'......

Jen lands another speck and I get another pickerel, double header!


A beauty hen stops by for a quick photo


A little fella....


With all but one trout and one pickerel put back in the tea stained water to give thrill to another brother or sister of the Angle, we headed out more than happy to make camp and share wine by the fire.


Camping up here is perhaps the greatest reason to get out and enjoy the best that mother nature has to offer! And if not a fish was to be had, I'd still be out here finding my place on the land.




It was a great trip and my soon to be wife loved her first real experience fishing trout. I've got a fly-in trip planned with Cochran Air in the middle of August. If I get a good return on investment, I'll post and let you know how it is. Life in Le Nord. It ain't easy, but someone's gotta do it ;)

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BUCKER only have 2 words to say....im jelous !!! Great story and pics as you always provide. Congrats and hope everything goes well cor you in your marriage...nice looking catch for sure. Thanks for sharing.

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very nice pics, looks like a really nice fishery...you are very lucky to have someone to enjoy your fishing adventures with...

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Very nice report Bucker , thanks ! You are fortunate to find a partner who loves to fish , loves to clean them , cook them & eat them ! :D I know how good those eyes and trout taste from those waters from da nord . I have fished the Moose River , leaving from Moose River Crossing & canoeing upstream for a day & a half up the Metagami . Your photos remind me of the stream where we camped for our moose hunt . Congrats on your upcoming marriage , she is definately a keeper .

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Being in an outdoorsy family, I really enjoyed reading this report & I thank both of you.

RE: finding yourself? Recheck the photos, there isn't one where either of you aren't ear to ear in grins.

It would appear to me this place would be anticipating your return.

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Bucker my man...that was an excellent report...

The write up was great and the pictures were beautiful....

I made the wife read your report and she couldn't stop smiling...she says you two sound just like us...and she's happy to know she's not the only crazy person that gives her husband (or husband to be in your case...congrats by the way) all the time he wants to go fishing.

Thanks for posting this...

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