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Tuesday turkey

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Finally got a turkey this morning after 3 days.

18.77 pounds, 10.1/2” beard, and short spurs - 15/16” & 7/8”.

However, it was the easiest turkey I’ve got in a long time.

I set up along a wheat field edge along a woods where I thought they might be roosting.

After it started getting light a bird started gobbling over my right shoulder less than 50 yds away.

After gobbling for over 20 minutes or so he flew down just 30 yards in front if me….game over!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Took me 3 years for my first. Had a turkey out front the first day but only brought a bow and first morning light revealed the brush I had trimmed just 2 weeks before had grown neck high on the turkeys so I held off and came back with a gun. Never got a shot for years and bagged a trophy. Probably collected 1000+ ticks trying. Between the ticks and the lack of flavour (Smerchly came for that dinner) that was my first and only wild turkey. CongratZ on the quick harvest. 

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