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niagara water clarity


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Just wondering if the high wind of 25km or more causes the water at Niagara river to get murky/cloudy, Does it matter which direction the wind come from?

Someone mentioned once on this site that conditon of water flowing from erie can affect the clarity of niagara water.

Or the water only gets murky if it rains a lot?

thanks for any feedback

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Guest cplummer

rain dosen't botther the clarity of the Niagara but the winds do ! a SW at 40 clicks like they are forcasting will make it very dirty by tomorrow .i was told it's just starting to dirty around noon.


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Just wondering if the high wind of 25km or more causes the water at Niagara river to get murky/cloudy, Does it matter which direction the wind come from?

Someone mentioned once on this site that conditon of water flowing from erie can affect the clarity of niagara water.

Or the water only gets murky if it rains a lot?

thanks for any feedback


Rain will dirty up the water as well. The flows from the creeks etc will stain the water.

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South or southwest are the worse winds. Rain has little or no effect on the lower Niagara. The creek will flow mud out but that water flows tight along the shoreline into the creek. That water ends up below the powerhouses. So if you fish above them, rain will never play into clarity.

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Guest Steelheader

Yep, those winds coming from the west & south/west drive big waves into the northeast shores of Lake Erie and create all kinds of mud which gets sucked down the Niagara. Anytime you get those kinds of winds figure on the Niagara turning to pea soup within 12 to 24 hours.

Last fall was brutal - I don't think we ever saw visibility better than 1 or 2 feet before January. I hope mother nature is kinder this fall.

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Guest Steelheader

Just checked water clarity at Queenston during lunch today. Still pretty good, hard to tell exactly since it was raining, but at least 2-3 feet.

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Guest Steelheader
Wind and rain have not left a stain so I'll try the upper in the morning again.


Dan, were you meaning to write that with such good rhyme and meter?

Wind and rain

Have not left a stain

So I'll try the upper

In the morning again.

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