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Something Different at Beaverdams


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Popped over to Beaverdams to fish the "Corner" in between getting groceries and picking the wife up from work.

Arrived to find a nice breeze blowing into the corner -this has usually produced good results.

Water was is very stained so on went the blue/black chatterbait. After about 5 or 6 casts I get a strike. It feels odd, not like a bass at all. There is resistance, but not alot, it even felt like it dove. As it gets closer it appears that I have snagged a weed or stick. No - hold it, its a -


Garpike, it has the lure in its mouth and it's teeth caught up in my fusion line.

This fish is about 25 inches in length, what is really interesting is that it did not move while I removed the lure and line, it just lay there for the pic. The second I tried to pick it up to put it back all hell broke loose, but back it went.

Continued to cast for a few more minutes and hooked into this


a nice largie, a little a little over 1.5lbs. Clic and back it went.



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Man ,those needle teeth are some sharp Ed ........I had a gar go through my net at Port Severn and went wild on the grass like a snake . That was my first ....and last gar ,which I mounted many years ago . The scales are in perfect rows and I needed tin snips to cut that armoured body up the side . They are prehistoric and I would always wish them released now . They must be tough to have survived mans pollution etc. over all these years . Nice bucket too !! Thanks for the pics !

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another key to thier survival is the fact that thier eggs are poisonous..and due to the type of scales they have..their prehistoric ancestry also allows them to breath through thier skin if necessary.

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Hey guys! I see that a lot of you fish beaverdams, I was wondering where are some good spots (no your "dont tell any body spots") I see there are spots that you are able to park in, are they ok fishing holes? Why I am asking is that my girlfreind likes to fish in the summer for anything, I myself fished once last year in the summer and once sofar this summer I'm not a bass fishermen (yet),as for the fall and winter I'm out as much as I can, rather be catching bows or salmon. Looking for something close to home..


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Guest BrownBomber

Wow, great fish Ed! I heard about gar pike in Beaverdams but I had never seen one caught. Was that in the middle pond Ed? That's where I heard they were.

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Wermz - the best thing to do is get out and explore. If your after bass, look for cover, structure or shade. As you drive around the various ponds, you will see other anglers. Watch them and see what they are doing and if they are successful try to copy what they are doing (presentation, etc).

BrownBomber- I have seen them in the middle pond but this one was caught in the largest one - not by intent as I was after Largemouth.

Bubba14 - There are bowfins in the Beaverdams system, but I have yet to catch one there. I did pull one out of the Welland River early in the spring. If you do catch one, watch out for the mouth full of the teeth. Here is a pic of it


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Guest Rob D

gar pike get up to be around 4 feet in lenght from pics i have seen from my dad fishing when he was younger

i heard that gar pike were on the endangered speices list

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Ive heard one story from my buddy of gar pike in beaverdams but have never seen a picture..Gars are soooo cool:)

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Hey guys, is Beaverdams a goodplace to take kids to? I have a four and a half year old and a two year old. I have tried a few conservations areas and maybe I would like to take the kids here.

How would I get there from Martindale pond area??



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beaverdams is a good kid freindly place to go...lots of sunnies and rockbass and stuff for the kids to catch on a float and worm set up

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haven't seen any grass pike/pickeral this year in my travels either..if anyone gets into a smaller sized pike that looks like it has to grow into it's head a little still...had a little more reddish fins than usual..or notices a dark little bar running vertically under the eye to the cheek...and not so scaley cheek...thats a grass pike not a little northern...they are generally a little lighter green too than northerns with a lighter back as well compared to the dark back of a northern, although most of the pike around here are generally lighter than up north as well...if ya get one...and it seems to be in the 18-24 inch range or so...that's actually a pretty big one.

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that's a little mink...they can be sneaky little buggers..and steal bait from your bucket..or try to come along and help themselves to one of the fish ya kept

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Caught a glimpse of my first mink LOL thought some one tossed out a ferret, I'll tell the girlfriend her new jacket is coming along. :D It was my first time there, the girlfriend caught some crappie and we also caught some small bass. more exploring next time.

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Wasn't at Ramey's bend was it ? We has a little mink trying to rob us blind there .....it was a very persistant little fella , so we gave him a few of our minnows

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  • 3 years later...

that's a beauty looking fish you caught there. I've never really fished the lake......a few times when I was a little younger, down by the inlet pipes at the east end. where is the "corner" that you are referring to?........if you don't mind me asking. and how do you get there? I'm thinking it's at the west end, off the Merrittville highway, by the looks of those trees. I also read on here that they are in the "middle pool"......is that the pool with the boardwalk at the eco park? if I'm not mistaken, we saw Cougar tracks in the mud off that boardwalk a few weeks ago. pretty cool if that's what that was. nice looking fish though. would love to catch one of those.

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