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Made plans for weekend


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Put a thing together to get out this coming weekend (Sunday). Forecast was for 22 and sunny. :D Few hours later now 28 and socked in with rain :( This morning was rain has been shifted to Sat?, Sunday back to sunny but with cloudy periods highs mid 20's <_< Cant wait to see what our weatherman comes up with tonight when I take a look :huh::Gonefishing:

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Guest boston

Ha ha, as I had it put to me the other day, predicting the future can be tough sometimes, standard forcast should read, sunny with cloudy periods with 50 50 chance of rain or snow, :Gonefishing: , would cover just about anything.

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Ya...the weatherman is more changable than the weather !Last night it said rain for Sunday , this am it says 33*C. (hot hot hot) ......on THE weather channel. Many a fishing trip has been cancelled because of rain in the forecast.......and many trips ruined because of high winds and rain when it was "supposed" to be nice ! All this new satelite-radar technology and like Boston said , just say 50% chance of rain :Gonefishing: ...Hell.....even if they say 90% chance of rain , they can still say , guess you were in the 10% zone if they were wrong...... <_<

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hey gord ...... pauline says your a sweet guy but, are you going to melt in the rain :rolleyes::angry:

will get you that map soon . just been setting up the new gagets on the puter :D

have a good time but dont harrass those loyal subjects too much :P

joe and pauline

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Joe guarantee you I wont melt in the rain and what I "plan" to go after there arent ANY of THOSE things to be had------but then again you never know-----would be a first :angry::rolleyes: ps forecast now back to sun with cloudy periods 40 pc chance of showers high 24----that aint bad but it was also depend on the wind.

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Only two sleeps to go. Went out this morning and picked up a couple of things for the ouitng. We got the Keilbosa. We got the Pumpernickle bread. We got a block of cheese----and some soft drinks to wash it all down with. Last but not least if we get to where we're going and the trip gets scrubbed-----we will resort to Plan B :lol:

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Some of the best fishing I ever did was on rainy days as long as the winds are fairly calm. A light rain can really turn the bass on in Erie. Those blue sky days are the toughest for triggering a strike.

Oh yeah cant forget the rain gear. Erie is the location but bass are the last things on this agenda :lol::lol:

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Got the call tonight----doesnt look good for the morning--25mm rain and strong winds---better to reschedule for another day. Really not TOO surprised at that. Been scrubbed twice now maybe third time lucky? :D Good thing tho---get to eat the goodies myself----just so they dont go bad :lol::lol:

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Promise THIS is the last post. Well after sitting here all day and looking at the weather I decided to shoot my ride a line last night cuz I just HAD to know how the weather turned out down his way. Got his reply this morning---"got out around noon to light drizzle and calm lake---limited out on eyes but took longer then usual". Dont you just hate it when that happens???? :Gonefishing::dunno: Gord

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