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(NF) Hole in one


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not fishing related at all but got a hole in one today, 260 yards par 4 18th hole. Was around 7:20 so it was preety dark last hole of 36 holes played today hit it felt great couldnt really see it knew it was on the green looked around couldnt find it buddy chipped his in i noticed his ball didnt go all the way down i was like wtf no way ran over sure enough my ball was sitting preety in the hole. Preety stoked first ever.

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that must of been a pretty solid shot..im awful at golf but trying to get better. But im definatly not expecting a hole in one anytime soon if at all..But congratss!!!!

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I got a hole in one today too......chocolate glazed at Timmies :D

Congrats on that hole in one Hellfish , It's akin to a 29 hand in eucher . or a perfect 300 in 10 pin bowling..You may never get another......savour la moment !! :D

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thanx for the replies, yes i def savoured the moment, and it was prolly the best shot in my life and that will ever happen in my life prolly. fishing and golfing dont go with eachother at all unfortunatly.

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