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No Better Way


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F.Z. and I decided to spend Christmas morning drifting for trout. Got there about 7 and it was slow for the first 2 hours, then the bite started. Went 7 for 7 with the browns, most were smaller but managed a few nice ones. Last one is 25 3/4" by 14 3/4', beauty colours. Great way to spend Christmas morning, doing what you love!




Merry Christmas all.



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What a Christmas present that is ! Congrats Durkin ! :unsure: You make me Ody & Can.Dude look like amateurs :blink: The water vis. must be improving ....hope to give it a try ....after all the rain has finished . Nice buck FZ !

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Guest canadadude

Well the fish were biting not bad went 4 for 6 behind the legion 2 brownies 2 steelies and lost 2 steelies,tough to get the net under those steelheead when they go balastic anyway was a great way to spend Christmas morning :blink::dunno: For an amateur :huh::unsure:

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Sounds like a pretty great Fishmas Day, you guys had some decent luck too,would have alos loved to be out on the water it was a beauty morning for sure..but you know the holidays and I have 3 daughters so umm you know :unsure::blink: , but planning to be out on the river in the boat a couple times at the end of the week, gotta feild test the new digital camera I got :dunno:

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Hey , nice fish there Durkin09 , looks like you took Santa with you!

I remember when your old man had dark hair! ( tell him I said this , I'm sure he'll know who I am )

looks like you had a great day!



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will keep ya posted Joe, shooting for Thursday/Friday (good chance of both days) :dunno: Wife's uncle talked to me the other day, wants to get out, I think I will talk him into taking my boat instead of his this time, mine's bigger, faster and wayyyyyy comfier seats :unsure: .Maybe see you on the water sometime Durkin, sorry 'bout steppin on your post by answering to Joe, great fishin again man, nice holiday catch. :blink:

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Guest canadadude

Great job! :blink: Would have been a beautiful day to be out, no doubt.

I thought the yellow Browns were done....as my last few fish were silver and fresh from the lake.

I think alot these brownies have finished there spawning rituals and they are returning to there more normal appearences and starting to feed more!! I've noticed on a few I caught lately the males are losing there kype heads and vivid spawning coloures and reverting back to the silver colours!! It's pretty amazing to see how much these fish change when they come into spawn and how fast they change back when there done :unsure:

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Nice pics. Water looks calm. I also enjoyed the peace on Christmas morning but only with a walk. However the lack of usual traffic and noise was settling for the mind. Would have loved to have been on the harbour with you. Looks like a great self gift indeed. :lol:

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