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pefferlaw saturday report


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Hey Gents got back sat night from pefferlaw.We left at 430 am got their at 730am stop at this bait place pick up some minnows.looking out to the ice to see the huts 1.5 miles out made me think twice those huts look pretty good rite know.But the men that we are we trekked on to the ice.We set up two pop up tents for the kids.Had to cut holes into the floor. :( I set up the colman stove,we ate like kings (pigs my wife would say :) )Beans,hot dogs,clam chower,chips and all thats bad for you.The fishing was slow all day but we pick up 25 keepers.10 of the perch were over 10" sorry no pic's forgot the camera.I did bring the under water camera the fish were scarce.Buy the way their were a few trucks on the ice .The hut guide was using his full size van to transport his fishermen out to the huts so my brother in law walked back and drove his new 2500 4x4 diesel GMC on the ice.Their was 8 to 10" of ice.Oh ya Keep your liscence with you my brother in law almost got a $120 for not having it with him even when he had checked him out. Checked his fishing rod :huh: so we all :huh: him after he was going to chech all of our rods and gear. These are the types of fish police that give the rest of them a bad name Young and not senseable ,being polite.

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Thanks for the report painter......looks like you still had a good time and got yourselves a nice perch meal out of it . I don't think I'd chance driving a 6000 lb . truck out on 8 -10" of ice .......there could be thinner spots , and could prove verrry costly . Why would they check your rods & gear ? Two rods each is about the only thing to check on.......I have heard of a few instances where the CO's have acted like jackasses but most of them are decent people . They are prob. pressured to bring in fine $$$ to justify their jobs now with all the cutbacks . .... Hey.....8" to 10" perch are a good eating size .....almost as much meat on them as the 12 jumbos after they are cleaned. It must have been cols out there ! Brrrrrrrrrrr.......

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Guest canadadude

Great Report glad you got some fish!! Just a word of advice about driving out on the ice when it is only 8"-10" thick be carefull!!! The operators use a road out to there huts,and the snow and slush and such is packed down and the road is ussually thicker then the surrounding ice!!!So if you see operators Driving out that does not necessarily mean it is that safe all over,they know what there doing so just be carefull don't want to drop a beauty truck like that in!! Glad you guys had a great day with some nice perchies to take home :huh:;)

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