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Engineered foods the culprit

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Engineered foods the culprit

By NTW Editorial


May 11, 2007

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Re. 'Bee deaths hits home for Niagara keeper,' May 4 issue:

The article stated that researchers were unable to find the reason for the depressed immune systems of bees and the cause of their sudden die-off in huge numbers.

This statement is false. While the scientists involved in the investigation may be unaware of the cause, there are a large number of scientists who do know the actual cause of the recent bee and butterfly die off: the pollen of genetically modified (GMO) fruits and vegetables. The percentage of bees dying relates in close proximation to the percentage of GMO crops presently in production.

Independant scientists argued strongly against the initial introduction of GMO crops, citing their imminent and irreverable devastating effect on the ecology.

GMO crops are food plants that have been genetically modified to be toxic to predatory insects. Pharmaceutical companies introducing GMO crops argued that DNA modification targeted specific predatory insects and would not harm humans. They also argued that bees and butterfies did not actually eat the plants and, therefore, would not be affected by them.

However, the DNA of a GMO plant is at its most potent levels in its reproductive mechanisms (pollen, nectar, seeds). Bees convert the pollen to honey, to feed their entire colony. The pollens of various GMO crops combine, producing a deadly cocktail of foreign genetic materials that affects the immune system of the bees. A similar die-off of monarch butterflies occured in the recent past.

Not only will farmers be devastated financially by the overwhelming loss of bees, every person in North America will be personally affected, in particular, poor people.

Citizens and farmers should immediately band together in a class action suit against Health Canada, the FDA, and the pharmaceutical companies who have willfully and knowingly created this nightmare.

Lori D'Ascenzo

Niagara Falls

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Would that not cause a gradual decline in the bee populations and not a mass disappearance?? Sounds like someone jumping on the Anti-GMO bandwagon to sway public perception. just my 2 cents, not based on any facts....... :)

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I agree with Tom.......there are many factors to consider . Harsh winters , mites , air pollution etc. I can't believe the cell phone theory either , but I do believe the bee population is muck lower . My apple tree is usually buzzing with them when in blossom , but I only see a few bees out there now......Here 's a shot of a lonely little bee helping my tree produce nice red delicious apples !


Edit : St.Catharines Standard today....farmers aren't too worried about not having enough bees to pollinate their trees......they are importing bees fron New Zealand . Scientists are still scratching their heads trying to find the true cause of the delcine in their numbers .

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  • 3 weeks later...

From what I understand, it seems the bees are unable to return to the hive. Lost. Their ability to return has been drastically impaired. Losing massive honeybees has always happened and even anticipated. The whole industry adjusts for this each year. Some years are more damaging. This year seems to be different. Hives were whipped out or only left with 20% live. Keepers find these bees walking on the fields. Alive. Lost.

The honeybee is not native. We here in Canada have about 40 different types of bees. But the industry has depended on this one species to do all the work. Big bucks here. But bees are not the only pollinators.

I do not believe that there is a cover up over this. Too much has been published and invested in the US and Canada.

I believe we really have to look at how we farm. How we depend on ONE thing to make it all work. Their crops will be pollinated, but not as to what was adjusted for.

Just my thoughts.

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