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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Yes, I've heard the ice jam theory as well and it does make sense.That doesn't explain how it dropped off north of Paris in Glenmorris unless they had the same winter freeze up, after all it is a very shallow river.I think it was tremendous fishing pressure as well as right about that time it exploded with guys kayak fishing those stretches..If you think C&R guarantees no fish kill, well I know I've released some bleeders..I'm sure there is fish mortality no matter what.Also my suspicion is some don't follow rules in the C&R zone...I remember almost getting fined by a CO back in the 90's for a barbed Woolly Bugger!! I haven't seen a CO in years...Also I wonder what impact all those watercraft from the Grand river rafting company have..Hundreds of people doing a float in one day..Never mind all the kayaks, rafts, those damn rubber ducky floaters would drive me crazy..I stopped fishing that circus act years ago..Its ok after labour day thou.I can find nice fish else where but its a lot more work now..
  2. So 6wt. will be fine for local river Smallmouth. I use a 6wt weight myself for river fishing.A #6 gets a little tough in the wind and with bulky flys..I would recommend you start off with the Grand.You can catch Smallmouth ,Walleye, and even Catfish on the fly. I used to always fish the exceptional waters from Paris to Brant conservation area, it is a designated C&R zone..Fishing has really declined there last few years.The summer canoe traffic is also hellish but most ends on labour day..A good upper zone is Glenmorris. You can fish starting at Caledonia and work your way down for the lower stretch..I'm going to avoid giving out my mostly fished areas..I use only weighted flies but perhaps you don't need to..Here is what you need to start with to get fish with out overwhelming you with fly patterns, all size #4.Olive over white Clouser minnow, Bead head Black and olive wooly buggers..The same colours in a rabbit strip zonker pattern..Olive Sculpin patterns!!!!...There are of course other patterns that work...I posted some of the flies I use in another thread on the site...Put rubber legs in those wooly buggers!!
  3. Awesome tell us how you make out.Watch that wind before you go..I started using windy.com lately but have been using windfinder.com for years to..
  4. No all on NED rigs.But bite was good enough to bring one I guess.Decided to try more late season spin fishing on Erie going forth.. So appears I have an ankle sprain to add to the bruising I took in the boat launch..Like a dummy I fished on it twice this week. Now icing and resting....
  5. Hit Erie today on the south wind.A bit dicey first thing in the morning didn't know if it was going to hold steady or blow up..Ended up laying down for one of the calmest days I've seen this year...Landed around 20 Smallies with one real Tank...Not the quality size's I hit earlier this week but loads of fish around..Sight fishing was awesome but i couldn't get the really big tanks to commit..Sometimes when the wind lays down it slows the bite and it did today..
  6. Hi there Hachiko, I would have to agree with Tyler..However what you intend to target will be dictated by the fly rod you bought..Did you get a 4wt or 5wt trout size rod or is it a heavier weight that can do Bass?
  7. Do you have a link to that? Not sure I want to hang an electric too far underneath Yak.OK for big water but it would suck in the weeds of Buckhorn.Steelhead Chaser has some videos on YT with an electric off the bow..I know theres some cool torqueedo type drop in motors out there, also the Bixpy, but they are mostly $2k... A Hobie fin drive is worth $1400!!!
  8. It had crossed my mind..All I see is nothing but north winds in the forecast for the next 4 days.Good for bringing them in but bad for a kayak on the south shore...Port is only 2 miles from me and some how I've become addicted to lake Erie Smallies.At least I know the odds are way higher with Bass.I have to see how I recover from this injury.Kayak trolling has become really hard work at my age..
  9. Got out 3 times on Erie this week.Monday was best day I've had this summer, double digits, and 6 in the 4-5lb range.. So much for a change to NE winds shut them down LOL.Tried again on Thursday.Read all the weather and wind charts. Looked on the edge of safety but sometimes you don't know until you get there, and it was..Ended up in bad wind drizzle pulled out after a half hour..Hit it again on Saturday and morning was good.Might have hit my biggest fish of the season but scale was at home...Saturday had a predicted wind of N to NE all day but actually came up south on the water at about 10am..You just never know what you're going to get on Erie no matter what weather and wind charts tell you... My day started with me slipping off a rock wall launching my kayak and smashing my right leg and butt..Thought I was in for a hospital trip right then and there..Shook it off and fished..Got home and then the ice packs started.I think I'm going to be sore for a while.🙄
  10. What depth of water were you in? I'm fishing mostly 8-10 ft. on the shoreline..Casting and sight fishing out of the Yak. Even on safer wind days seems a bit sketchy for going out to 20-30ft..Plus sight fishing is a blast.I am assuming you were out for Bass but could be Wallys.
  11. Grand river wading which sucked today. Most likely due to NE weather pattern which always shuts them down.
  12. I passed on Erie today because weather yesterday looked sketchy.I'm in a Kayak.Woke up this morning and it looks almost flat 🙄....Now going river fishing...Weather reports are changing by the hour these days...Always check Windfinder and the local weather before going out..
  13. Apparently the Bass are still in the same shallow spots I used to fish.I've moved on from those spots in the last few years feeling that there are still Bass guarding nests.Also became no challenge at all like shooting fish in a barrel..Part of the fun with the fly rod is sighting and stalking them...Didn't see a lot roaming where I was but I'm sure things can change day by day.... All I can say is the fishery has changed quite a bit over the years.My observations of course..
  14. I thought with the delayed spring this year we would still see Bass nesting.Then again not much ice on Erie this winter.Probably try a different area next trip but I've got Buckhorn first.
  15. I usually avoid Bass opener weekends and especially Sunday but didn't have many choices this week.Fished from 7 am to 2:30 and had lookers, bumps, hit and spit, jump and throw….At the end of the day I think I actually touched 4 Bass with my hand..I found the numbers of sighted fish way down. Might have seen only 3-4 Bass guarding nests and none paired up..Those days are gone.Keep in mind I fly fish out of a kayak for the first few weeks but dont really feel disadvantaged at all..I know every year is different and more fish could show up tomorrow..But years ago typical days in the first two weeks of Bass season would be 15-30 fish all on the fly...Nesting Bass would still be every where in the shallows. How did everyone else do?
  16. Thanks for all the responses!! I chose to take Chrisb's and others advice on the South Bend dollar store one which is the same one that Smerch posted from Amazon.ca on the left...I have zero doubt its the same digital scale mechanism that South Bend puts in much more fancier body and sells for $40...Good enough for my retired income right now..Honestly not obsessed with fish weights but am curious if I'm actually hitting 6 pounders on Erie.....I also added an el cheapo bogda grip to it instead of the hook...Can hardly wait to hit Erie and Buckhorn...
  17. Thanks that one gets some good reviews for its price point...
  18. Any word on the Crystal Beach boat launch??
  19. So a standard credit card no longer works at these ticket booths??
  20. Hi everyone, What is a descent digital fish scale for a non tournament angler that doesn't break..I've fished for years with out really caring but am now some what interested in what kind of weights I'm hitting on Erie......Not looking for the $100 option..
  21. Dave

    Tick Warning

    Permethrin is the active ingredient in most household INSECT KILLERS....We are now recommending horse and pony bug spray on humans? When I use a Permethrin product on bugs they melt and die!!!! Protection against flies, mosquitoes, ticks and gnats. Quick knockdown and repellency. Weatherproof and sweat resistant formula. Multiple sunscreens and coat conditioners. Can be used on horses, ponies and as a premise spray. Very sorry to hear about your challenge Loonietoon...
  22. Dave

    Ready for Cuba

    You are welcome to PM me Bubba....
  23. Dave

    Ready for Cuba

    Yes Bass-turd all tied by myself.I'm stocked like a fly shop over here with more materials than I probably need in a lifetime.Everything from trout Euro nymphs to saltwater.. I've always had great satisfaction from being a start to finish fly fisherman..I try to avoid the fancy flys and concentrate mostly on guide flys.Still, its a time consuming hobby.
  24. Dave

    Ready for Cuba

    Sorry for the none reply but I was getting ready to head out.Not the greatest photos because its hard to do selfies on a saltwater flats there's no place to safely drop your gear..Three diy outings and once with guide, 7 landed and one break off.Doesn't sound like much but wind was screaming and the diy trips are short due to ocean side tide..Plus a Cuban cold front one trip which made them fussier than they usually are, on top of the wind it was my only no hitter...Did land my personnel best Bonefish which blew off 100ft. of fly line and half my 100 yds. of backing...Guide assisted I landed 3 and snapped one off.That was lagoon fishing to super spooky fish..Spooky fish is an understatement when it comes to Bones.I was talking to loudly and a pod of tailing fish pulled off the shore😆..Damn I'm love those fish especially the big ones..
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