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Posts posted by DNorton

  1. 6 hours ago, genec said:

    Never fished for muskie, but have caught 3 over the years while fishing other species.

    Personal best was a 54” while fishing for walleye with 8 Lb. line in Georgian Bay outside of Penetang harbour back in 2008.   Was amazed I was able to get it to the boat on that light a line.  Never even had a camera with us, so only memories.

    thanks for the response! Been researching quite a bit myself and have some of the gear, others will be bought fairly soon. Appreciate the help! 

  2. 2 hours ago, мормышка said:


    All my muskie have been accidental and nice surprises. Otherwise if you want to target them specifically, I'd suggest invest money in a guide who specializes in it. Upper Niagara River most likely.

    Yea I’ve been fishing the upper pretty heavily lately. I’m thinking maybe I’m not throwing the right presentations or something ? But also would love to upgrade to some musky specific gear but not sure what. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Lukefish99 said:

    I have tried there 3 time this year and I got 1 follow each trip but i couldn't get anything to bite. There was a big school of goldfish when I went the one time though.

    Good to know it’s not just me having no luck. That used to be my go to if I wanted to fish bass. I’m going to be headed out a bunch after work this week and hopefully figure it out. 

  4. Alright so now that I’ve got my trout / salmon fix for awhile I’m hoping to fish the Niagara river for the elusive musky. Never landed one, lost a few bank side / canoe side up north but have never had the chance to land one. Anyone target these regularly and willing to lend some info ? Just colours / lures that have worked in the past? That and what type of musky rod / reel should I be looking into. We do an annual trip to the French river to chase pike and musky and it’s my first year with my boat so I want to go gear heavy this year which means I need some new rods / reels / lures. I plan on stopping in at Pete’s and asking but figured I’d ask here anyways. If you don’t want to post publicly that’s cool shoot me a message if you don’t mind. Not looking for spots, more or less rod / reel info and what lures have worked around here to get me off on the right foot. 

  5. I’ve been skunked around here for bass. Can’t seem to figure them out this year and I know that’s not saying much but I fished a solid 20 hours the last week with not a single hit. Marking a ton of fish nothing taking. Worms and all ? I’m starting to think it’s the angler not the fish. Lol

  6. Pete’s is awesome! When I got into carp fishing that was my first stop, and they out fitted me with the basics I needed to get started and then went from there. Bought my kayak and stopped In again and got the knowledge I needed for rod / reel / lures to use for martindale pond. Bought my boat and again stopped in and had some great convos about what type of trolling gear I wanted colours rods reels etc. Staff are awesome. If you feel like driving grimsby tackle out on hwy 8 are great guys too. More geared toward trolling big water but they do have a little bit of everything and super easy to talk to. Hope this helps. 

    posting on here helps aswell as searching the site. I spend a good amount of time looking through older posts reading and researching In my down time to figure out what might work or not work at what time of year. I’ve been successful reading through fishing reports from years past at the same time of year I’m fishing to see what worked and try that and go from there.  

  7. 22 hours ago, boogaloo said:


    A bit farther North near Novar is the "Little East river" that flows thru Fish Lake that has a Brookie population (might be hard to locate them) and further East is Oudaze Lake with some Pike and Perch. Good luck to you, stay safe and have fun..........................Daniel


    Thanks Daniel! I’ll put it on the list of things to check out. First time camping with the whole family usually I go solo back country so it should be fun 

  8. On 6/27/2021 at 9:02 PM, Morwood80 said:

    Great Park for hiking and Biking. Not the greatest spot for fishing in my own experience😜They r there but Arrowhead lake is not deep and warms quickly. Mayflower lake (at park office) gets stocked with brookies every yr but they probably don’t last much past opener. Park office side of Mayflower is shallow, middle and opposite side a little deeper. When i was tossing small spoons last fall guy told me its 60ft plus in middle. I didn’t have canoe to check it out.  I haven’t ventured outside of the park. Please report if you have better luck as I usually fall camp there most yrs as trails r decent for my boyz wheelchair and bike trailer 

    Thanks for the heads up. I suppose we might venture out of the park and find something in the big east river i hope. Ill report back after the week and see what we come up with.

  9. Hey guys, I know its a Niagara fishing forum, but just wondering if anyone has any insight to fishing in arrowhead park. Were headed that way next week, and of course rods and tackle are coming with. My brother in law doesnt fish much but is really excited to fish with me and the kids so im hoping to get some insight into what is there or around there and possibly some baits that might work. We will be grabbing some worms and I plan on bringing everything including the kitchen sink but any tips to help us get off on the right track would be great. Thanks in advance.

  10. Firemans park has some decent sized carp swimming around if you chum it and throw corn on a hair ive had luck fishing it while the kiddos fish the bluegills / bass. There is also some decent catfish in there.


    Could check out St. Johns conservation area, decent spot for kids tons of pannies, I take my kids few times a year and its just one after another. I dont bother bringing a rod because im putting worms on and taking fish off 90% of the time. Or I end up fishing with the barbie rod when they get bored and want to go for a walk with the wife.


    Look up Green Ribbon Trail if your looking for spots on martindale, Right off martindale rd there is a parking lot and a bit of a walk down a trail but its hard to miss. Tons of species in there.


    Rennie park is a great spot too all along the water anything can be caught, shade on the other hand is few and far between but I find if i go after dinner for an hour or 2 its not that bad and the kids catch pannies while I chum and wait for the carp. 


    hope this helps, if you need ideas for rigs or baits to use in these areas to increase your success don't be afraid to shoot me a message. Goodluck


  11. Water seems really low in the harbour this year. I cruised through there and was marking fish but only at 4’ deep which I found to be a bit crazy. Sounds like a great session though! Do you have a link to this carp tournament. Would love to follow the action. 

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