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Everything posted by verado

  1. Again, an excellent idea.
  2. That's always been my thought too Smerch. Can it take the heat. I've tried the vacuum with no luck but the sticky tape could be worth a shot. Thanks for the suggestions. Like you I have no use for a smartphone or any of the social media sites. I have a basic cellphone mostly for emergencies, don't know my own number without looking it up. I get really tired of talking to people (my own family included) who cannot take their eyes off their cellphone screen for a minute
  3. For many years I have had a compact Canon digital camera of excellent quality. I always brought it on hunting and fishing trips. When I went on my African Safari several years ago, I took literally hundreds of photos while traveling to the various hunting areas or when sitting in the blinds. They included all the plains game species as well as countless giraffes, zebras, baboons, ostriches, even some hippos. On my return home I immediately popped out the card and made my way to Walmart to print out the pictures. I carefully placed the chip on my console but had to stop abruptly and the chip slid under the dashboard radio and heater controls. I can't reach in with anything larger than a very tiny wire and although I have tried many times, it is still there. Short of dismantling the dash I don't know what else to do to retrieve it. On the subject of older cameras and film, I know some professionals still use them but it has been a very long time since I have seen any stores offering film for sale or the developing of prints.
  4. I think you are right. As long as your jackets are in good condition with no rips, tears, missing buckles etc. they are deemed legal. You also must make sure you have the proper size for everyone on board. I had a couple of 300lb plus fishing buddies that my life-jackets would not come close to fitting. I told them if they wanted to continue coming with me, they had to invest in a proper jacket. As you are probably aware, the newer style light inflatable jackets only count as jackets if they are being worn. There are some regulations that sneak up on you though. I noticed my boat registration paper (which you must have in the boat) for the boat I bought in 2014, expires soon. With all my previous boats they were lifetime. I have not yet looked at the procedure for renewing it but I would not be surprised if there is a cost attached. On a different note, I just received my new PAL, renewed for about the 5th time. This is the license that allows you to possess and carry a firearm and must be in your possession at all times when carrying, using, or transporting a firearm, regardless of the sport. Not too long ago I noticed that along with the license itself, you must also carry the paper it comes with that states the conditions, such as restricted, non-restricted etc. One is not legal without the other.
  5. I understand the proper name is freshwater drum
  6. No disrespect to you Trouter but I have not been a shore fisherman for many years so I would not have any idea as to where to direct you. My favorite spots used to be Lake Gibson at Decew, St. John's pond in Effingham and the sand docks at Queenston. Welcome to the Forum.
  7. I'm being a bit of a smart-ass Smerch, but I noticed that Trouter has 1 post on this forum. Maybe you should have told him to check out your other 17,200 posts for information on fishing this area. LOL
  8. I ask the wife to stand on them then run.
  9. I think you're right about the pollen. I can wash my vehicles and 3 hours later they are covered in a fine yellow dust. I would park them in the garage but between my toys and the grandchildren's toys, there is no longer any room. As for the bugs, I have reached the stage where I want to be comfortable when fishing. No heavy waves, freezing temperatures or dressing like a ninja to keep the bugs off me. I'll wait for a better day thank you.
  10. Isn't it great when things work out.
  11. I believe you are right Surf & Turf. As my camp is only 4 hours away, I would continue to go with only a calf tag. I love the whole hunting camp experience and I would not care to miss it. Having said that, I don't think I would continue to make that long and expensive trek to northwest of Thunder Bay where I hunted for so many years with only a calf tag in my pocket. In 40 plus years of moose hunting, I have taken many a bull & cow but only once did I have an opportunity to down a calf.
  12. I have had a Nautilus charger from Canadian Tire for about 8 years now and it works well. It will do starting, deep cycle and gel at 2, 10 or 15 amp and will show voltage and percentage of charge. I normally only use the 2 amp setting as I prefer to charge them slow. At the time it was about $100 but they might go on sale at this time of year. Father's Day is coming.
  13. Maybe you'll have better luck in the second draw Mooseslayer. One advantage of our big camp is that we have that many more guys to apply for. I personally got a bull tag 2 years ago ( my first in about 8 years) so I won't be expecting anything for many years to come. Another thing going against us in our area is that last year the tag allotment was dropped from almost 900 to around 275.
  14. We had one guy with 25 points who got the bull tag, 8 no good. The cow tag went to someone with 14 points, 7 no good. The calf went to 6 points, 4 no good. Based on this we could have a very hard time next year getting anything.
  15. verado

    Open Ramps

    According to the Fort Erie news, the ramp at Point Abino/Crystal Beach reopened Saturday May 22
  16. How is everyone making out with the new system for this fall's hunt. Our camp in area 54 was extremely lucky in receiving a bull, cow and calf tag.
  17. Like the rest of you, I always removed my batteries from the boat in the fall and would use a 2 amp trickle charger once a month to keep them topped up. My charger as well has a 2, 10 and 15 amp setting and a switch for regular, deep cycle, and AGM. This year my dealer at Bay City Marine told me to continue doing that with the starting battery but to leave the deep cycle batteries in the boat (I store the boat in an unheated garage). He said to use the onboard charger to bring them to full charge, then disconnect them (very important). In the spring, reconnect them then again use the onboard charger to top them up. I did this and found they charged up completely in very little time and in my limited use of the boat so far this spring they seem fine. It's a lot easier for me because as you mentioned, those deep cycle batteries get heavier every year.
  18. Thank you so much Tyler. Don't know what you did but it worked perfectly

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