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Dan Andrews

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Status Updates posted by Dan Andrews

  1. NFN just got really expensive to run: http://www.invisionpower.com/hosting/select_package.php

    1. cplummer


      there are much cheaper providers out there Dan

  2. Can't update my status with the mobile app

  3. Anyone up for a kayak paddle up a tiny creek before they freeze?

  4. Holy you don't pay the bills and they shut your site down :/ sorry folks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      I can put away the sedatives now???

    3. marth11


      you had me worried I thought I did something kept saying account was suspeneded

    4. Dan Andrews

      Dan Andrews

      I got a lot of emails from people who thought THEY were in trouble lol

  5. Get your bass in gear this weekend. It's a long way until June 23rd!

    1. Meppsman


      lots to keep us busy till then man!

    2. Meppsman


      or so we think...

  6. upgrade 2night. Expect some issues viewing the forums

  7. Haven't had any trolls in awhile. This is awesome. Thanks guys for the good info.

    1. dr_feelgood


      do we all get a raise?

    2. marth11


      is it just me or do I smell a very skunky smell lol

    3. I'm_A_Drifter


      More traffic, means more trolls. Just sayin'. :)

  8. 2.5 hrs in the stand. cold rainy and only saw one coyote (before legal shoot time). Time for coffee and hot shower

    1. smerchly


      ant some fresh apples ?

  9. Can we please get rid of these dam east winds

    1. smerchly


      I'll have a talk with ma

  10. $460 raised for the spca!

    1. fafaflohi
    2. smerchly


      last I saw was $510 ....WTG Dan !

  11. $420 raised so far for the FE SPCA :)

  12. 2nd try at muskie. Fish of 2000 casts I guess

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Senkerik


      hit you up tomorrow. leave you a msg about shirts to.

    3. knightfisher


      Dan lets get out together some evening. I may not get into some of the big gals many members here get, but I get my share.

    4. Dan Andrews

      Dan Andrews

      I still have not caught or hooked a musky

  13. Eating a big helping of home made venison jerky

  14. Well was going to order some tshirts but the disk with the high res logo is dead :(

  15. Happy Birthday Mr Feelgood

    1. smerchly


      hope u had a good one & a cold one u old bugger

    2. RJR


      Happy birthday Paul

  16. Fishin Niagara is back on NFN :)

  17. Search for Dan Andrews on facebook and we'll try and get out this summer on a Sunday

  18. New kayak forum. Canoe chat welcome

  19. Who went fishing today?

    1. bigugli


      I caught 500 kilos worth on the internet

  20. Dam east wind every sunday :(

  21. Heading out for my last trout mission. Next week is perch

  22. Queenston clean up canceled tonight unless you want to go yourself anyway.

  23. Get a job nanananananana

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