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Everything posted by Radio

  1. Thanks guys! I felt really lucky to have had such an amazing trip especially to have spent that time with my Dad.
  2. Had an absolute riot fishing with my Dad. 100's and 100's of walley. Pike and white fish aswell. Till the next time!
  3. Hey everyone! Long time member but I got a new email so had to re-register... I saw the no trespassing signs last year and they also dropped a bunch of trees and brush and placed them at obvious access points along the glen. I have been fishing the glen since the late 80s and I'm shocked they did this. The internet is plastered with fishing tips and maps for fishing the glen. Does a closure of this size make the official fishing regs? I get they probably had a lot more people down there during the pandemic and had to rescue more than usual but no fishing seems ridiculous! So if someone gets in trouble from Cripps eddy down to the pool it's a different story? Anyways... confused on this one.
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