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Radio last won the day on March 13

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  1. Super happy for you to have come out of it on the right side. That took a tonn of work and courage and I'm sure help from others. Totally agree with finding alternatives to medications such as fishing. All the best to you and congratulations for finding your way.
  2. I agree with everything you have said here mindful angler. I think everybody struggles sometimes... I know I do. I am also no stranger to the opioid crisis as I have lost family members to this and have felt the effects of it for many many years. I definitely use fishing as a form of therapy without even thinking about it. As you mentioned, there are so many benefits to fishing. I also believe music and learning an instrument can have huge benefits as well. Trying to figure out a song or just jamming with friends or alone can be a great way to stay in the moment, but not as good as fishing!! Haaa!!! Peace!!
  3. So true Steellee! Bugs flying around in February... unbelievable!
  4. Thanks Steel, I run a slip float down there playing with different depths and lead lengths constantly... I saw that sw come in, hopefully clears up sooner than later
  5. Thanks bass man, mixed bag really... beads, streamers and roe for the most part... just when and where?! Haa!
  6. Thanks Tyler. Ended up 32 for 40 in a handful of trips down to the gorge. Can't complain forsure
  7. That's yesterday... regardless you'll get lots of fresh air
  8. Ok mine is working now! Strange it didn't work before. Liked the old images much better but way better than nothing
  9. Unfortunately that website isn't working for me... only shows up to 2015...
  10. Does anyone know a good website which shows the satellite image of the great lakes (niagara river)? The NOAA modis satellite website seems to have changed their format and I am struggling to figure out how to use it properly. Thanks in advance.
  11. I've used lots over the years... just seeing if anybody knows a specific brand of especially soft plastic for running weedless so the hook can be barried deep but then easily pierce through for hook ups... most of the plastics are relatively hard. I remember Charlie Wray promoting some really soft plastics but I can't seem to be able to track down that specific episode
  12. Does anybody have suggestions for SUPER soft paddle tail style swim baits... wanted for fishing weedless... thanks in advance!
  13. Had a riot forsure! Endless walleye and pike but the grayling was unreal!
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