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Everything posted by Darton

  1. Smerchly ! My mom is 84 and is still driving her guy friend around. He is 86 and they took his licence away because of his eyesight. He drove all his life and never ever got into an accident. He use to take my mom out for a cruze every day . Now, she takes him out every day. I just hope our young kids have something left over before the people in charge bury us all.
  2. Billionare status is peanuts ! They want trillionair status. Government is letting these guys get too big and allowing them to buy up the other small guys.
  3. That Reveal really takes clear crisp day pictures. Does it have any white washout or bad pictures at night ?
  4. Their den must have been very close. I got over 100 pictures of coyotes big and small. Deer still visited the salt site with all that coyote activity going on.
  5. Here are his sheds from the year before.
  6. You could see little sharks teeth growing down from his antlers where the double driptine on each side were going to come down the following year. Allowing him to get to the following year made him a King ! Double droptine on both sides. You will see 8 point bucks showing the tiny little nibs near the end of their antlers when they are about to get to be ten points the following year. Big deer take time to reach their full potential. The hardest thing to do is figure out how to hunt those mature ones. They basically have human survival instincts and are masters at staying away from human activity or contact. Some of these guys live in the thickest scrub that a person would have a hard time navigating through and only come out at dark.
  7. Very close to 170 and got him in 91. A high 190 was taken 10 miles from where this one was taken. Very good genetics around there. Wish I could have let him go two more years, he had the potential to get up in the 190's. His sheds from the year before were in the 150's. Found then about fifty yards from where I put the arrow through him. A guy this year totally ruined the spot. He went back there into bedding spot twice every week with his quad and dumped a bunch of apples. PS: Deer dont like to be disturbed ! Especially the big older guys. Go into their sanctuary and you have blown the area. J327W_UG_CA_Nougat_ENG_D6.pdf
  8. They look like red deer. Couldent see the ear tags that are required on all farmed deer. Someone must have left a gate open. Yikes !
  9. Within the last few years, permission has become much harder to obtain. Many more bowhunters are getting out into the bush which causes the deer population to go into nocturnal mode. To get a big one, you have to get into the bush well before sunrise and be in a spot somewhere between their feeding spot and their bedding spot. I call this guy the 15 minute buck because I got him 15 minutes after I climbed into my stand. He was looking for who it was that made the noise in a dead quiet morning.
  10. With the sheds that we found and a repo of his antlers through the years, this is what they look like after I made the antler pours.
  11. Yes ! I had him right behind me while I was up in my tree stand. I first climbed down mt stand and beat up a sapling with one of my antlers and scurried back up. Sat there waiting for a good half hour Nothing ! Turned around to grab something out of my bag and POW ! There he was. He exploded out of there breaking every single deaad branch on those pine trees. Sounded like a freight train getting out of there. One of my buddies ended up getting him the next year. He turned into a double drop on each side.
  12. Forsure. A lot of experts say it is all about the amount of daytime hours in the day. It could be that, along with the amount of nutrition they receive during the cold months. We had an excellent winter in Southern Ontario as far as whitetails are concerned. Barely any snow cover to have to dig through to reach high energy food. One thing is forsure, bucks will have a lot of extra energy in their bodies that will be diverted into their antler growth. Going to have some big antlered deer running around this hunting season. One thing to remember is, allow the small bucks to live . Try to harvest mature bucks. Last couple years there have been a few bucks approaching the 200 inch mark.
  13. Cought these baby coyotes on my trail camera which was pointed on my mineral lick pile for deer. Never knew they liked salt as well.
  14. We never had coyotes in our area 30 years ago. Then they just started popping up here and there. The red fox population took a beating. They didnt dare go out into the farming fields. They moved into the residential areas to be safe. Now we are overun by coyotes and I havent came across a jackrabbit track in 15 years. They totally destroyed their population.
  15. Your spray may work but the better way is to use an air horn can. Those yoters have such acute hearing it really hurts their ears when you make a loud noise. You want to see a coyote jump ! Just use an air horn.
  16. Says image unavailable. I can't see any pictures.
  17. Always best to buy early. July 2 deadline creeps up on you pretty quickly. Controlled deer starts July 1 to July 31. Can't forget that one as well.
  18. Tactacams and Spypoint Flex are both great cameras. I haven't seen so many cameras in all the bushes I go into. Cell cameras are everywhere. I would be afraid to have to answer the call of nature for fear of having it posted on facebook. Around where I live, just leave them alone. You will be cought ! Is it really worth the reputation you would receive from the hunting community. Everyone in your hunting area knows each other and once you are labelled, everyone will know your dirty deed. Had one guy take my camera a while back. He knows I know. Bet he never touches another camera. I truly believe in carma ! What goes around comes around. Respect other peoples property !
  19. Saw a 10 point walking out in a soya stuble field Feb. 28 with two other bucks that had dropped their antlers. Was a good healthy year for this guy to be carrying so late in the season.
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