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Jordan Harbour


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Dont normally ask this question----but if anyone is going near/by JH, could you please give a quick update as to what the outflow is like and if there has been any action besides the usual crap that goes on.

PM me if you dont want to blab all over the 'net.

Preshiate it----kinda miss the place, after all its where IT all started :lol:

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Water is real low. Not too much of the rain made it into the actual stream. Last week it was hard pan, now there is a small trickle coming through. That should change if the weatherman is right this week.

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Just Got back from baley's bridge, still dry as a bone except for a few holes, even check off the train bridge closer to the lake, water in there but very low and no current. Need lots of rain before they go up jordan.

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Just adding my 2 cents to comments made in another thread about the "low" water at Jordan---"they" and am ASSuming salmon wont run up for lack of water.

When they did the construction there the outflow was reduced to something you could almost jump across----fished under those conditions and you could watch the sammies beating their way up into the pond. As for the browns dont know what happened there but I believe that a lot of them find their way into Beacon Marina now and do their thang there instead.


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There are salmon and browns at the beacon. There are salmom and trout in the harbour itself. There is no water in 20 creek. Isolated pools and dry bed. With the present water levels the mouth of the creek will be high and dry. You can almost walk across to the wreck at the Beacon because of the drop.

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OK----now I'm being a PITA :lol:

If anyone goes by with one of those thingies that take "show and tell",could you pleeez take a couple of snaps and post them. Cant get my head around how low it is.

Dont make me come down there :lol:

Prishiate it. Gord Do this one thing for me and I promise I'll go away :blush::dunno:

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OK----now I'm being a PITA :lol:

If anyone goes by with one of those thingies that take "show and tell",could you pleeez take a couple of snaps and post them. Cant get my head around how low it is.

Dont make me come down there :lol:

Prishiate it. Gord Do this one thing for me and I promise I'll go away :P:dunno:

Well, can't say I didn't try to drag you down here. Here are your pics of stagnant water and the specie types available for catching.





Puppy dog really enjoyed snacking on the fresh dink :blush:

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Hey Gord ....the ugli dual visited Jordan today for a fish in the harbour.......very slow day it was ......Even the minnows didn't catch much ....a few scraggy dink-perch & of course , the gobies were waiting for us . They would chew out the minnows eyes (a guilt thing?) .....then work away at the head and soon all you had left was a piece of tail ! :lol: Like Bruce said the salmon were scattered & jumping . We noticed a lot of minnies breaking water , so food is no prob. for the fish in there . The channel is very narrow now for boaters except 4 elderly kayakers who zoomed by us ....2 men & 2 women , must be in their seventies....a real treat to see them out there ! Since the fishing flopped , we decided to pick up tons of line that was everywhere in the rocks , through the weeds , some long strands intertwined for many yards & some in tangled balls . Here's a look a the first bunch I gathered up.....


We had so much of it , I lit a fire in one of the many fire pits that are used to cook anything from shrimp to oysters going by the many shells on the ground ......When we left all that line became a little black spot in the fire pit.


These are the 4 elderly troopers who came past us twice .....once going out into the lake ....prob. stopped in at the Beacon for a few beers. :lol: ...then they came roaring back to the pond again . Nice to see them having a great time !


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Thanks guys.

Bruce pic 2 where about are those rocks??? Only ones I knew of were on the breakwall.

Newer erosion control, about 5 years ago. Rock wall and log wall to contain the bank right beside the waste treatment station at the Bailey bridge. Also if you were to fish there now, the lands north of the bridge are now posted.

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Bruce....I got there just as the lights turned on .......got a better look at that dry rock bed......... :lol:


We are supposed to get a few days of rain ......but it's too late now for any fish to migrate up the 20 !

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The burnt out tall ship along the qew is the Beacon harbour...and bailey bridge is about a mile south at the very back of the jordan harbour pond at 21 st Louth . near the town of Jordan on old hwy #8

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thanx man! so jordan harbor is baecon harbor and bailey bridge is on 21st av louth where it crosses the river?

Here's a map......easier to see where places are ......Red dot is the Beacon Marina where the tall ship sits

Green dot at bottom is the bailey bridge upstream from the Jordan Harbour ....no water running this year.


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I remember the stream drying out some 7 years back and the salmon died in the hundreds at the stream mouth because they could go no further. I have never seen it this dry. Pools that normally survived through the summer are completely dry.

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