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Shore Walk Association


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Back ground....about a year ago,after many presentations to council and meetings with staff,the town of Fort Erie enacted a bylaw that required property owners to remove fences and other encroachments that are situated on public water front and road allowances. The bylaw was sought by Shorewalk after 2 road surveys where completed also by thier request showing signifigant encroachments existed.

an Update:, Staff have confirmed that the removal of these encroachments as directed by council has been completed by the owners <_< (Land Committee Interoffice Memorandum -January 14,2008)

A total of 6 more road allowance surveys have been completed.

-Stonemill & Thinderbay(east end at Stonemill)

-Burliegh Rd including Maple leaf Alley

-Rose Ave

-Pierce Ave

-Beachwood Ave

-Centralia Ave

Moving forward.

-staff will verify the accuracy of the surveys and Shorewalk will request a copy

-Property owners will be notified by the town if they are not in compliance with the bylaw and given an opportunity to request relief from the bylaw

-Shorewalk's Encroachment Review Committee will review the surveys,visit the road allowance, and draft a summary of thier findings -The town of Fort Erie Land Committe will review all reliefs requests and make recommendations to council

-Shorewalk Encroachment Review Committe will review all requests for relief by property owners and the recomandations of the land committee, and make recomendations to the Shorewalk Board of Directors on what should be challenged based on ealier assesments

-The president of Shorewalk will make a presentation to council stating thier position on each property as it related to the Road Allowance bylaw

-council will decide wether to grant relief to property owners on a case by case basis.

Shorewalk will continue to work with Town staff to ensure that the 5 road allowances that have not yet been surveys be done as soon as possible, and thatall of the road allowances receive demarkation to clearly identify thier boundries.

This is just some of the finding in the news letter that was sent to me..and a good example of what some people are talking about when it comes to taking a stand for something instead of just sitting back and doing nothing :P

anyone interested in finding out a bit more about Shorewalk and what it stands for can contact

Stephen Passero

President,Ontario Shorewalk association


I also believe that you can visit thier website www.shorewalk.ca

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That's great news!! It's always good when you can actually see that WE CAN make a difference.

You're making a difference every day through your son and what you teach him. Anything else we do is a bonus <_<

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good stuff Jack , it's good to see the "people" can fight back & get the beach fronts etc, opened up to them . This had been going on for many years .....back in the 50s they fenced off places to the waterline at Long Beach . On the other hand , they need to stop the drunkin partiers who leave broken glass on the sand for kids to cut their feet on........Hope they can keep the place peacefull......

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that's just some stuff that was in the news letter I recieved...you don't need to pay money or anyhting to join, you can be an active member and pay dues, or be a passive member and not pay dues as a free member just to help them build thier membership up in the fight so to speak right now they have about 1800 members.

another thing that was in the news letter was that MPP Kim Craitor has reintruduced the Right of Passage Act on Feb 27 2008, Adate has not been set by legislation for a second reading yet

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Our MPP is definitely onside but the Town of Fort Erie has to be watched. Although they have publically thrown their support behind this, they have on a number of occasions tried to exempt certain landowners. It sucks that as the general public we have to babysit our representatives to prevent behind the back handshakes but that is where organizations like Shorewalk come in handy.

Thank our stars for passionate people like Stephen Passero who take on a specific cause and notify us when we should be concerned. Everyone should think about seeking out citizens groups like this and throwing your support behind them. I am a card carrying member of Shorewalk and when I have a concern about them they respond with enthusiasm. Membership is free and doesn't need to be renewed on a regular basis.

As of right now we are being fed our info from the Southwest Chapter (Fort Erie) but this org goes well beyond that so if this idea is your cup of tea, call Stephen Passero and ask what you can do to get involved in other areas (like NOTL). The concept is not only big on the other side of the Lakes but successful.

Dan :lol:

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