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Dan Andrews

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I agree with Cliff. I think if they had a security guard physically standing by the fence they go in no one would have the balls to cut a hole in front of him or rip off the sign,



If you had a security guard there:

a) Nobody would want to stand there for an 8-12 hour shift.

b It would cost about $25-45 an hour, to cover fees charged by the security company.

c) The guard will be making about $8 an hour....would he/she really care?

d) If the guard needed to go to the washroom, where's the closest place? Hence opportunity for someone to sneak in.

e) Nobody would pay that kind of fee to make sure there was a guard there. So what....they're trespassing, not vandalizing.

f) If someone does end up drowning, nobody will care because signs are posted, the trespasser was at fault and entered anyways....and fishing in the area will be closed to all because of the incident.

And finally....

g) Wouldn't the people who own boats just love to see fishing in Port closed forever.

I can see it happening sooner or later. Like they say....never say never.

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The security guard thing was done last year and it kept the boats aswell as the shore dudes out of the restricted areas, it did work. If people ignored the guard a call to the NRP was made and a very quick response to the call was made and the people were dealt with accordingly.

Perhaps a more secure fence is needed, the chainlink is not working and maybe steel bar type fence is a better option. This dam is run by a private company so taxpayer money isn't the issue..........your hydro bill is : :lol::P;)

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Fishing inside the buoy is a big NO NO!!! I'm sure there is a sign posted to the left of it. If the undertow didn't pull you under, I'm sure there would be someone waiting to hand you a fine when you came to shore.

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Now is there a fine for fishing inside the bouy from a boat or not?

I believe the fine would be death. Again there's good reason for the boundaries. I'll have to get nittro to post one of the video clips showing the bouy and again, that's with just 2 gates open.

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I would think if the police and CO went in undercover for a few days and gave out fines to

everyone who tresspassed, the word would spread fast.... stay out or pay.

Do that a few times a week, for a few weeks and the place would be clear of people.

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there is a fine for being inside ... what it is i dont know ... however i saw one boat nearly go under and a fw guys who fish the area regularly will probably say the same ... they dropped anchor and then the gates opened up ... i think they wound up cutting their anchor to get out safely and quickly

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Well it doesn't show the buoy but you get the drift..... :( ahhhh I mean you better drift not anchor

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="


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I just spoke with Heywood staff. They said yesterday they kicked 3 kids off that angled wall in the video above. They were aged 12, 13 and 14. Today they kicked out a couple with their 8 year old Son.

They remember Jason Bolton well. It was 1989. Staff take this very personally as well.

The fence is owned by the City of St Catharines but they won't fix it so Heywood does at their own expense both to cover liabilities and to prevent another senseless death. They share our frustrations with the Boys in Blue and are in no position to replace the City's fence with iron. Due to the young kids sitting on the wall they have now hired security again for the remainder of the season.

The City of St Catharines is the main owner (private ownership) so whatever the City or Heywood does to repair the fence or hire security, it comes from tax payers or out of the profits the station generates to fund City coffers. In the end it's the taxpayers that pay for the damage and if a law suit is launched as well.

One thing I forgot to mention from when I posted the original slide show. The picture of my kid in the hole was not planned, but as I walked down the trail snapping pictures of the signs he was running ahead and ducking behind trees to scare me as I walked by. He jumped through that big hole and tried to hide in the bushes but there's only about 2 feet of scrub there before you slide down the bank into the surf. When I saw how close my own kid came to the swirling water that I arranged for a demo for you, I was embarrassed at first. My own kid couldn't follow the rules. Then I got very angry. He's just a 6 year old kid. Who cut that hole and allowed him to jump through there?

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This problem seems very frustrating to deal with it seems the city, the NRP and others do not want to take responsibility to protect people from the dangerous situation created down there. Unfortunatly it will take another tragedy and death before anything practicle will get done. This kind of situation really gets me angered :dunno::blink::angry2: , especially when I read they want to sink $450,000 into the henely course on the other side of the road but won't take responsibilty for the security of there own Power generating station!!! If a tragedy happens down there I hope the city gets sued for millions of $$$$$ for there irresponsability of running a power station. The city makes a stupid by-law about graffiti on private property but will not take responsibility for maitaining there own sites and allows a dangerous situation like this continue. It truely shows how sad the situation of our mayor and useless councilors is in St Catharines :angry2::angry2:

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Guest niagarariverpro
This problem seems very frustrating to deal with it seems the city, the NRP and others do not want to take responsibility to protect people from the dangerous situation created down there. Unfortunatly it will take another tragedy and death before anything practicle will get done. This kind of situation really gets me angered :dunno::blink::angry2: , especially when I read they want to sink $450,000 into the henely course on the other side of the road but won't take responsibilty for the security of there own Power generating station!!! If a tragedy happens down there I hope the city gets sued for millions of $$$ for there irresponsability of running a power station. The city makes a stupid by-law about graffiti on private property but will not take responsibility for maitaining there own sites and allows a dangerous situation like this continue. It truely shows how sad the situation of our mayor and useless councilors is in St Catharines :angry2::angry2:

lets sue them for stupidity ... wonder how that sucka will fly....

since it's fenced in just stick a guard dog inside the fence.. then we can go watch a live show of cage fighter..

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:dunno: Some good tactics suggested there.

I wonder how familiar the Mayor and Council are with the situation John. Their are thousands of issues at their feet all the time so unless they are briefed they may not realize this is the season to address it on an annual basis. Someone needs to register as a delegation and bring this to the City. That makes it a news issue.

Who's game?

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:dunno: Some good tactics suggested there.

I wonder how familiar the Mayor and Council are with the situation John. Their are thousands of issues at their feet all the time so unless they are briefed they may not realize this is the season to address it on an annual basis. Someone needs to register as a delegation and bring this to the City. That makes it a news issue.

Who's game?

Maybe I'll give the Port Dalhousie councillor a phone call on Monday and explain the sitiuation and see what happens from there. It is there Power Dam they should be the ones reponsible for keeping it secure, I know the vandalism is not there doing but I still beleive it's there reponsibility to have the fences and such be good repair :blink: .......If the problem persists then maybe a delegation of concerned citizens will be needed to address council.

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Great job Dan: It looks like the PortPossy will have to dust their boots off again. I will look in to it and see what strings I can pull again. I will keep you all up to date on this ongoing problem. Rob

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Great job Dan: It looks like the PortPossy will have to dust their boots off again. I will look in to it and see what strings I can pull again. I will keep you all up to date on this ongoing problem. Rob

Yee Haaaa Catfish alive and well.............glad your still alive dude, now get down to Port and kick some a$$ :P:o:) .......I miss you Robbie , nobody around to discuss crap with ;):lol::lol:

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