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Charles Daley Park


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Some of you have probably read my posts & also Bigugli's posts & photos of the fish & wildlife at this park . As I walked along the beach through shrubs & trees, I saw deer tracks, 3 toads , and the usual mixture of birds like red winged black birds , herons & kingfishers . The water level is slightly higer than normal ,thus creating another eco-system above the shoreline where frogs have eggs , tiny pinhead fish of different species , and all sorts of other aquaic creatures that depend on this water to survive .As I approached the beach at the lakefront ,I saw a sad sight where the town attempted to drain the pond by bulldozing down some shrubs & plants etc.and also dug a trench just beyond that mess ,but to no avail (yet) to lower the pond level . What reason could they have to do this you ask ???? Well .......they want to use this space to set off fireworks for July 1 ! They have done this before and it's obvious the eco system in that pond means squat to the town ! The pond is full of all sorts of fish , and many other species of bird & animals depend on this system for survival including their young . Who do you call to stop this disregard for the environment for the sake of 20 minutes of ooohs & awwws watching gunpowder expode ? Set the fireworks off elsewhere !

here's a photo I took of the mess they made of the wetlands....very sad to see ......


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call the mpp for the area or go visit them with pics

It's a Tory council with a Tory mpp running for party leadership. Hudak will not want to hurt his supporters.

This is not a new practice. Been happening on and off the past few years. Tried the MNR route 2 years back and all I got was silence.

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If the MNR can ignore this because of political ties , then I will ignore the MNR and what it 's supposed to stand for ....the environment . A few newspaper stories and getting some environmental groups to take photos , especially close ups of the critters that thrive in the shallows , would make the MNR look neutered ! But the saddest part is the general public at large would rather have firecrackers than be concerned about the environment........

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Drifter, can you please elaborate?

The older playground in the middle of the park will be torn down and a newer, larger playground will be raised in it's place in September. A volunteer group, FOCDP, found grant monies and will use an army of volunteers to construct the new equipment. Has nothing to do with the beach.

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