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Niagara River


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Sons 14th Birthday Today!

Anyways, my son persuaded me to go to the river for some fishing. Anyways, after a quick walmart stop (bought a jig, and great box of bass lures), we found our way to Glen Park. We arrived at 5ish. I was wayyy tooo scared to go down those stairs, but I ended up overcoming my fear, hehe. After going down, we can either go right or left. We go right. HUGE mistake. We keep going right and down. We find out the waters much wilder over there. ( funny story, as my son climbed up a rock, his shorts ripped, hehe, at the worst spot too :lol: ). So as we progress to find a good spot, we see some beautiful scenery. We finally walked all the way to the left. We found a decent looking spot. We go down, and my son casts a broken spinner bait that was on his line already ( Note to everyone. the quality of fishing equipment is muchmuchmuch better at a fishing store than walmart. MUCH better). Anyways after getting a rough estimate of the depth and what not, He switches lures. I was sitting up until here, thinking there were no fish due to the huge waves and what not. But when he decided to switch i used his rod for a bit. He put a drop shot plastic minnowish looking lure on mine quickly so I could keep myself company. I didn't think we'd catch anything, but it was his birthday so I felt bad for him. Anyways , I decide to fish aswell. Once he puts on a nice rapala lure, he casts. It was a really good cast, his first cast with the new lure, and after 3 seconds, he feels something heavy. He thought it was just some grass from the bottom on his lure, but he sets the hook just in case. All of a sudden, SWOOOOOOSH, a musky flies out of the water, a solid 7 foot jump. I was amazed. Another couple jumps, a scene of absolute BEAUTY. Anyways, my son came into this trip wanting to catch a musky, but I thought of him as a joke. Anyways, he manages to get it to shore, and I get it in the net. A solid 6-8 pounds max. An absolutely BEAUTIFUL fish. His first musky ever, and he says it will be an experience he will never forget. He said the second the fish jumped, his hard started racing, it went to a world of its own. Now my son is young, but he's a good fisherman I tell ya. Not as good as me ( Hehe ), but still an amazing fisherman for his age. Anyways he persuaded me to take him to the river, but I myself also wanted to go, because well, Its the Niagara River, one of the BEST places to fish in possibly all of Ontario. Heres some photos ( didnt have my digital with me, but I guess my cell will do this time.)




Anyways, we got it in the net, but SHE bit the net like there's no tomorrow. It took a while to get her free, but we did. My son did a safe release to make sure she was alive, got water in her gills, and she went flying in the water. We only fished for about half an hour. Next time we go we're taking the whole day there. Anyways, we went back up, MUCH quicker, seeing as our spot was to the left of the stairs, seeing as the water is calmer to the left than right. But MAN the hike there was absolutely tiring, but it is very beautiful. Clean air, clean water, beauty fish for birthday, nothing more I could ask. Now we know where to go, and surely next time there will be much more to show. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. Any tips on lures for other fish are welcome. Just a question though, is there carp around where we fished ( if anyone knows) I hear they got extremely large in the Niagara. Thank you for reading :lol:

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nice job on his first muskie, well i went down there last friday and saw god knows how many muskie swimming around, thats the fun of polarized glasses well were i was at the whirlpool there alot of carp and scary big, also in the fall i go down to the pool for salmon drifting roe pattern yarn flys and they hit it like its the 4th of july ( or should i say 1st of july ) my dad also said there are walleyes down there too also some big smallies and sheepies and best of all NO GOBIES!!!! but be careful the water changes fast down there and by 8 the water is covering alot of the rocks, my best tip for that is to look for areas that are dry.

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All of a sudden, SWOOOOOOSH, a musky flies out of the water, a solid 7 foot jump. I was amazed. Another couple jumps, a scene of absolute BEAUTY. An absolutely BEAUTIFUL fish. His first musky ever, and he says it will be an experience he will never forget. He said the second the fish jumped, his hard started racing, it went to a world of its own.

Well done on the lad getting his first musky.

Musky are one of the most magnificent fresh water fish.

A sure joy to hook into and fight and land.

Not everyone will experience this type of pleasure of landing

such a sportsfish as this.

Well done.


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nice to see that you guys had some good luck down there too...musky fishing seems to be hottt down there recently..i always tend to walk right when we get to the bottom of the stairs but might have to head left this time..anyways...congrats on your first musky!!

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Nice fish! , bet that made your son's day!

I know my first musky was a big deal. so much fun.

Should try getting a rubber net rather then those nylon rope ones.. stating the obvious here but those nets can injure the fish.

I love the markings on that fish... it looks tiger like almost.

Keep up the good fishing! I like to see more first timer reports they are the best.

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I know what you mean. My son said he will get all his fish from the water, it is just at the river the water is really fast and the rocks aren't very stable. My son's health and safety is much more important than a fish's tail. Aha. But I honestly prefer taking the fish right out of the water with my hands, I find it much more fun and natural, and so does my son, taking his all his bass's and pikes and what not. It's just we're not familiar with the water and our spot yet, so If my son had have fallen in the water I could never forgive my self. I don't know if you're a parent or not, but if you are, I'm sure you know what I mean.

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I know what you mean. My son said he will get all his fish from the water, it is just at the river the water is really fast and the rocks aren't very stable. My son's health and safety is much more important than a fish's tail. Aha. But I honestly prefer taking the fish right out of the water with my hands, I find it much more fun and natural, and so does my son, taking his all his bass's and pikes and what not. It's just we're not familiar with the water and our spot yet, so If my son had have fallen in the water I could never forgive my self. I don't know if you're a parent or not, but if you are, I'm sure you know what I mean.

You can always put a helmet on him and tie him to a tree with some rope! ^_^

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you wouldn't by chance know what rapala you guys were throwing at the river. we plan on heading down there this week to continue our streak of niagara skunk fishing that we have going for many years now. (including the well-paid assistance of a professional guide) just wondering what kind/size of rapala lures would survive the current.

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Oh Mannnn maybe i shoulda stayed in niagara this long weekend, im up here in Bobcaygeon (pigeon lake),, fished 2 days straight for muskie and only got 1 follow not even a hit and put in a good 5 hours today, and about 8 yesterday.

Nice , Happy bday,


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