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Steel Town Pike Continued...


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I dropped my son off at kindergarten this afternoon and afterwards had an hour to kill so I decided to hit my spot and see if the green snappers were a snap'pin lol. I put on a chartreuse cleo ( spoon) and low and behold the second cast produced this guy. Who needs "up North" :worthy:


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nice pike , how was the fight.? not like i dont know the answer already =p

Thanks Spotty...The fight? Lets say It didn't pull me in lol. Give me a carp of that weight for a real fight on 6lb mono


Thanks for your comments. Seems like now is the time around the bay to get into them. Hopefully I can get at least one more before the ice man commath. They are truly a treat to catch and add to ones personal trophy list :blink: ( IMO)

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