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Where is your net ???


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I was at NPM one spring and some guy snagged into a carp...."oh look it hit that spoon its hooked in the mouth!" it was probably in the 30lb range it was a beast....so he asks for my net...I think hey might as well dont want to stress the fish anymore so he comes back with the damn thing snapped in half...the idiot extended the net and lifted with both hands at the back! All I got was a "oh sorry here's a home made float" So my policy is if you need a net I'll do it, if the fish gets knocked off its your own damn fault for not doing it yourself.

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I was at NPM one spring and some guy snagged into a carp...."oh look it hit that spoon its hooked in the mouth!" it was probably in the 30lb range it was a beast....so he asks for my net...I think hey might as well dont want to stress the fish anymore so he comes back with the damn thing snapped in half...the idiot extended the net and lifted with both hands at the back! All I got was a "oh sorry here's a home made float" So my policy is if you need a net I'll do it, if the fish gets knocked off its your own damn fault for not doing it yourself.

you told me about that, I think there is a difference between carelessness and accident, lets say you catch a massive fish and try to land it, but the fish breaks the netting, its not your fault its the fishes.

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I think the best thing to is to net the fish yourself. Sometimes people don't know how to properly lift a fish out of the water in a net.

Same thing goes for the ice auger. Better to drill the holes yourself if someone asks to borrow it.

There's no harm in doing a fellow angler the small favour of landing their catch or drilling a few holes for them. Plus, you don't risk having your gear damaged by someone that may not be as experienced using a net or ice auger.

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let's keep it to the topic.

original post was asking why some people don't bother with a net basically.

it wasn't about whether i/or anyone netting the fish or lend others my net.

my unedited orginal post does say i do net fish for others.

and yes, moderator can close the thread since more and more replies are off topic.

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The responsible person is going to have all the necessary equipment for the task at hand.

Setting yourself up by depending on someone else, could lead to disappointment.

While most of us are willing to help out, it doesn't mean everyone will.

Many of us regulars down at Port during the winter have no problem using each others net.

Many newbies don't know how to land a fish, so I will land it for them.

But I'm not going to walk the entire length of the pier to do so.

If someone refuses to lend you their net or whatever, the only one you should feel upset at is yourself, for not being prepared.

I could never go fishing without a net. Many of the fish I have caught would of been subjected to undue stress, harm and exhaustion, if I didn't land them in a timely fashion.

I don't understand why anyone would not bring a net unless they know it's only pan fish that will be caught.

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you know its not only ppl not bringing a break wall net, i have had ppl come up and ask to use my ice auger while ice fishing... are you kidding? you knew youd be ice fishing so i say no. and not cause im a dick its because ive been nice in the past and had ppl ruin my brand new blades on my auger. thinking you need to smack the auger on the ice to start drilling... nonsense

Yup that's how my auger got broken too. I've seen many rookies breaking other guys nets by improper lifting and I hope I'm never the only guy on the pier or ice who brought my net/auger during salmon/perch season because if the fish are biting I'll be too busy netting fish or drilling holes for the poor folk to fish myself. Like the original poster stated: yes I do net fish for others, just don't assume others will, try and equipt yourself if possible.

So if you only go once or twice a year does that mean your other equipment is underrated? Have you got line and a rod and reel caplable of landing a salmon or do you show up with a snoopy rod :Gonefishing:

One net: $0 can't afford it

Bag of weed: Gotta be $50 a quarter by now

The look on a guys face when you refuse to net his fish of a life time because he spent all his spare change on drugs: priceless :roflblack:

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I'm guessing buddy grows his own. Now I wonder, if he's on the pier does he hand out freebies to everybody that didn't bring any of their own?

I mean, if I only smoke a couple times a year I shouldn't have to actually buy any right? Lol.

As someone that's gone through hundreds of dollars of nets throughout the years I don't lend out nets at all anymore, if I've seen you fishing off the pier atleast twice then maybe, perhaps, there's a chance I'll net your fish for you. Even then I still get $60 nets trashed, bonus points to the chucklehead that made such a hash out of getting his fish out of my net he took a pocketknife and slashed apart the mesh.

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