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Lake Trout Jigging


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i am heading to kawagama lake this weekend and i could sure use some tips on getting a laker in the boat.This is a deep and pretty busy lake.i have tried dropping a worm to the bottom in years past.with no downriggers or fish finder all i have going for me is technique..please give me some learnin and technique!!thanks


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I think it was Charlie Ray or Lonnie King who fished for lakers at the mouth of the Niagara River (TV Show) . The method used was jigging straight down in about 80 fow with a crippled herring which is a heavy jigging spoon & come in many colours . They also use this method at the Bay of Quinte in the late fall when the big girls come in from Lake Ontario . I would think most any spoon like a 3/4 oz. cleo or those glow salmon spoons would work too.

just googled "jigging for lake trout " ....lots of videos etc . These guys were jigging white Gulp twisters , so you may find they work great also .......

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tryed and heard about white mister twister or whatever kind, 3 or 4 inch with heavy jig head.Use fishfinder find them on bottom and drop straight down. turn sensetivty right up, sometimes there are just a bump on the screen.

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