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On The 12 Today


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Alright today In, and I went to the 12 to kick some bass and did we ever, armed with worms and tubes we fished dropshots, he got there before me and already had 4 bass and some gobies, that was only 10 mins, and apparently lost a few bass, I get there and toss a micro tube with no hits, so switched up to a worm and tossed it 3/4 of the way across the creek and bottom bounced it and than SLAM! had a nice drum on, and of course knowing my luck lately I lost it, after a while and many gobie hits later, In lands a nice sucker which was 3 pounds on the dot, and I think a few bass, we moved to another spot and this is where I finally started catching, I caught 1 sucker and got 4 bass in 4 casts and lost 1 really nice bass, In lost 2 pike to bite offs, we ran out of worms and switched to plastics he used a 3 inch perch pattern minnow and got 2 bass in 3 casts each being about a buck 50, I switch up to a 3 inch mud goby bass magnet tube and landed a nice 1.5 pound bass, we switched spots again this time heading to the beach and I landed 3 more bass and lost something small, and ended the day at around 7 pm so we put in a good 4 hours of fishing and it was so much fun.

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nice, I was able to get out for a few hours just over to Lake Gibson with my daughter last night and got one or two hits but nothing biting really, lots of people there and no one was getting hits.

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how do you catch these pike T.T they keep running and cutting my line.

Grab some Fluorocarbon leader material 20-30 lbs. I usually run about 5' but you can probably just run 18" and be fine. I got used to running a long leader fishing in saltwater.

This is the leader material I use.


6lbs braid to 20lbs leader tied


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