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Another Spot Gone ...


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Took a run out to Point Abino to check things out and made a grizzly discovery. The Bertie Boat club is now the Buffalo Yacht club, and there are "No Tresspassing" and "No Fishing" signs everywhere. Another one bites the dust....

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That sucks,I got a couple perch fries outa there!

Took a run out to Point Abino to check things out and made a grizzly discovery. The Bertie Boat club is now the Buffalo Yacht club, and there are "No Tresspassing" and "No Fishing" signs everywhere. Another one bites the dust....

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Canada is up for sale .....has been for a long time . Our natural resources , from land , to highways like the 407 , to business properties , are owned by other countries. I could mark many spots on a map of just the Niagara area that I "once" fished that have bitten the dust . The reasons vary from garbage , post 911 security , and liability issues where a possible law suit could happen ......and of course , the elite sector who payed a good buck to have a private domain . ( Point Abino lighthouse) .

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Yeah you really gotta hate how canadian politicians are running this country. I really can't for the life of me understand why there aren't daily riots at Queen's park and Parliament hill.... We need patriots in government, not salesmen (businessmen)....

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Yeah you really gotta hate how canadian politicians are running this country. I really can't for the life of me understand why there aren't daily riots at Queen's park and Parliament hill.... We need patriots in government, not salesmen (businessmen)....

Canadians like to be sold a line of bull, that is why these shmucks are voted in. Politicians have only one loyalty and that is money. Loyalty to the businesses that pay their campaign funds, and businesses today know no national loyalties. Consumers don't have many national loyalties either. They'd rather buy Asian tackle than North American made. Case of monkey see, monkey do.

Even PEI has loosened its land restrictions. It used to be near impossible for a nonresident to buy waterfront. Not any longer.

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I was looking around on the net and came across this article written a year ago ...:

Bertie Boat Club in Fort Erie gets extended lease


Updated 1 year ago

FORT ERIE — The Bertie Boat Club has been given another lease on life.

Councillors were presented with a staff report Monday calling for a decision on whether to give the local marine facility in Point Abino a two-year lease extension before their current agreement with the town expires at the end of the year.

But Mayor Doug Martin put a motion on the table to direct staff to begin negotiations with the club on working out a 25-year lease agreement.

"We want you guys to be there for as long as you want to be," Martin told a group of club members in the audience.

All councillors voted in favour of Martin's motion. Staff will now begin working out the details of a 25-year agreement with the club.

Earlier, Bertie Boat Club member Tom Mountain asked council to either amend the report and allow for a longer lease in the range of 15 to 25 years or to defeat it and wait until the next council is sworn in to negotiate a new contract.

The report stated the two-year agreement is necessary as an interim measure to provide council with an opportunity to develop its waterfront accessibility strategy and for the club to demonstrate how a long-term lease for these lands would compliment those objectives.

Mountain did not agree with the report that states: "the facility is predominantly member-only and does not promote itself as a public facility."

Mountain pointed out the marquis in front of the facility that reads "everyone welcome."

"For over 50 years, we have proven to be a valued partner with the town in developing the waterfront for the enjoyment of all," he said.

Town solicitor Heather Salter said the report's intent is to provide direction to the club for its future.

"It would be deferred to the next council, but still provide the boat club some certainty with respect to their term," she said.

Salter said the town has no plans to develop the site for another use. In recent weeks, information has been made public claiming the town plans to develop on the property.

She said the town is attempting to explore the amount of public benefit the facility can provide and its potential for access.

"We're looking at how this use on the property lines up with council's strategic goals with respect to access to the waterfront."

Coun. Tim Whitfield said he doesn't understand why council couldn't move ahead with agreeing to another 25-year lease, considering it has been confirmed there are no plans to change the nature of the site's use.

"I'm not getting why this doesn't just stay a marina and why don't (we) make that commitment for the future," he said. "It's one less thing for us to worry about, if you will."

Coun. Bob Steckley said he has made several recreational visits to the facility and agrees they have been good stewards of the property since the club was established in 1958.

"Let's let them carry on, business as usual," he said.

This latest action down there flies in the face of this aticle. I'm almost 50, and that was the first place my grandfather took me fishing when I was a kid...

Maybe a bunch of us should attend a Fort Erie council meeting.... Anyone care to join me ?

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I just got off the phone with the by-laws officer, and at first he told me it was private proprty, they could do what they wanted to. I then read him the above article and he said he would look into it. Optimistically, I hope something comes of it ...

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If some big developer appears with a fist full of $$$$$$$ , and plans for a highrise condo , & a few artsy buildings & expensive restaurants (aka Port Dalhousie) , we can say goodbye to yet another fishing spot . Those who live in that gated elite village would welcome development there . As usual , $$$$$$$ is trump .

One percent rules........

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I just got off the phone with the by-laws officer, and at first he told me it was private proprty, they could do what they wanted to. I then read him the above article and he said he would look into it. Optimistically, I hope something comes of it ...

Thanks, this is a really great spot and I think it is worth saving. I can't say i blame them for wanting to keep fishing out, i have seen first hand the garbage left by careless anglers. (and i picked it up)

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Thanks, this is a really great spot and I think it is worth saving. I can't say i blame them for wanting to keep fishing out, i have seen first hand the garbage left by careless anglers. (and i picked it up)

That is true, and there is always a lack of garbage recepticles too, but I always clean up when i see garbage left behind. I smoke too, and even pinch off my butts and put them in my pocket. (and hear about it when my wife does the laundry). But I'm sure if we all work together, we can all be happy. Seriously though, we as fishermen need to stand together and speak with one loud voice, before we lose our sport altogether. In parts of Europe, and parts of the states there is NO catch and release on some species, and I heard that places in Canada are considering it. How far are we going to let it go before we speak up ?

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Saw this one coming for a long time. It's not just garbage, there are liability issues as well. Increased publicity=increased traffic=increase in people=closed areas. Unfortunately it happens time and time again.

It's not just shore garbage either, every year there are piles of lines caught on dock moorings, hooks hanging from the fencing wire, etc. On top of that, people fall in, fall through the ice, etc...

Ask the number of BBC boat owners have had to do prop seals from all the line stuck in their lower units.

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Kevin , you made some valid points . There are too many anglers who are just plain dense & leave garbage , and my pet peeve , FISHING LINE , all over the place ! And one of my fav. "little spots" was loaded with cig. butt filters yesterday .....another peeve (should make them without filters maybe) like a joint ? .........And I do not expect to see any change of these careless habits.

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Who to blame? It's always the other guy. Everyone here picks up garbage. Saying that there are no receptacles for garbage is an excuse. I've seen garbage beside an empy barrel. I don't leave garbage and I don't clean up someones else's mess unless it is line. You don't realize what you have til its gone!! Sounds like a good title for a song.

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Yes, you're right, I bet everyone here does clean up after themselves. Unfortunately, the 50% of other people that go online don't. When a BBC perch report goes up, there are triple the people out there the day after, which ends in a big mess.

It's too bad it's shut down, what a great place to take the kids and introduce them to fishing. Most privately owned shore areas, and even town owned shore areas are being shut down to fishing, and I can't say I blame them.

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It has always been posted "No Fishing"! It is the Yatch club slip that everyone uses to fish in not the BBC. I think they care more this year because they left there docks in with a bubbler system to keep the ice from damaging them. They are probably doing it to keep the air lines from becoming damaged. As well as all the other points about garbage and line ect.

Also two seasons ago someone broke into the white and blue storage shed and took a dump on the floor!

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The by-laws officer called me back this morning, and told me exactly that Pin. There has been no trespassing signs on the shed for the past few years, but they have been extended farther down. So basically the BBC just has the launch ramp now and the marina is closed by the yacht club. There were no fishing signs on the railings along the boat ramp area, but apparently there were none when he was there. I don't understand how the BBC has to operate under lease to the town of Fort Erie with the agreement to promote public access, then the buffalo yacht club can come along and deny access to the water. Is there not enough lakefront on that side of the ditch ?

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