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Today's Weather Brings Me Back......


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With this chilli air, rain, and overcast skies makes me wish I was at Bronte harbour mouth slingin' spoons like the old days.

It was always great to wake up to April showers and feel confident in gettin' on the fish and possibly being the only one on the pier.

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i love fishing in the rain for that reason, light rain in the summer at my cottage is perfect when i want to fish popular spots, it cuts the pressure in half and the rain is nothing but refreshing. would be perfect to get out and sling spoons though,

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That's funny that you mentioned Bronte, Mick, as that's the pier that so many of us cut our pier casting teeth on. That pier was the site for my first salmon and my first brown.

Althought I still hit the piers at this time of year, unlike you, I now hate doing it in the rain. Could be an 'age' thing. lol

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I've spent many a day standing out in this crap during Perchfest when the event used toi start earlier in the month. Would go through 3 changes of clothing in one day.

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I've had some of the best trout and bass fishing I've ever had in the rain. Not a down pour but a steady light rain. Not sure why, I assume just because it stirs everything up and the noise of the rain hiting the water blocks out alot of other noises? Again im not sure

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I've spent many a day standing out in this crap during Perchfest when the event used toi start earlier in the month. Would go through 3 changes of clothing in one day.

Funny the things we do for a sport we LOVE

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I agree with Slevin. My wife cannot understand how I can go out in the worst weather .....wind, rain snow, cold....to hunt and fish but hesitate to do outside jobs around the house when there is the slightest hint of inclement weather. The workings of the female mind are difficult to fathom.

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I agree with Slevin. My wife cannot understand how I can go out in the worst weather .....wind, rain snow, cold....to hunt and fish but hesitate to do outside jobs around the house when there is the slightest hint of inclement weather. The workings of the female mind are difficult to fathom.

Very few women understand male pattern masochism

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With this chilli air, rain, and overcast skies makes me wish I was at Bronte harbour mouth slingin' spoons like the old days.

It was always great to wake up to April showers and feel confident in gettin' on the fish and possibly being the only one on the pier.

I know what you're saying Mick, it keeps the 'fair weather' folks away. Caught a nice little steelhead off a plug couple weeks ago, but lost a spoon last week... that's bronte lol. I live a stone-throw away from the pier. Let me know the next time you're up if you want some company or a report.

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If you were fishing off of the south brake wall and casting into the harbour, you probably lost your spoon on the motorcycle thats believed to be right in the middle.

it has claimed a few of my cleos.

The best days there are when the kings go in to feed, all of a sudden your rod tip get one huge thunk, then you strike and realize it was just a tailslap, gets the heart pounding nonetheless.

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