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Iwas out hunting for bass the other day night fishing. Bucketmouths were good until the pike rolled in. I was throwing everything I had af the pike with no success. Any tips onbait for late nite pike?

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I remember reading somewhere that the reason pike dont bite to much at night is something to do with the amount of rods in their eyes not allowing to see very well in low light compared to muskie which feed heavily after dark. Ive had best luck for pike after dark on big spoons, im sure anything with a big profile and slow moving would work. Were you spotting them or having them follow?

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top water, stuff that rattles , they might miss but its still a rush even when they miss. I remember using topwater fake mice in the french river just after sunset crushing pike and bass


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Pretty much as the posts have said, after dark or just before dusk. Loud, noisey and flashy. Top waters are good, spinners with big blades, large vibrax spinners, buzz baits, another thing that might help is "flopping" your casts, especially with spoons, cast higher then normal if possible so that the bait/lure will slap the water as the cast meets the water, aparently that disturbance will draw in curious pike on its own

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Try the "otter bait " :D .......We used to fish for pike in some of the northern lakes during the hot summer and waited for late evening near sunset . The pike would come into the shallow bays looking for food and we fed them red & white spoons (then) , but there are many good crank baits now like jointed Raps. and Husky Jerks etc. that would do the job well .

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Try the "otter bait " :D .......We used to fish for pike in some of the northern lakes during the hot summer and waited for late evening near sunset . The pike would come into the shallow bays looking for food and we fed them red & white spoons (then) , but there are many good crank baits now like jointed Raps. and Husky Jerks etc. that would do the job well .

Where my family cottage used to be we were on a private bay that went from 3 ft to 6 ft to 8ft then opened up to 14 - 20 ft once hit the river, it was like clock work soon has the sun was in the distance where it was just setting behind the trees bam the pike would start going nuts over top water stuff , bass for that matter aswell. Black weedless mice and large jitter bugs werr key , but pretty much any topwater bate you would throw out there as long as you gave it some action and splashes, pike would nail them. Oh do i miss that cottage.


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For both pike and bass, anything top water or just below the surface once the sun starts to set. Once it gets dark, switch to black/blue or any combination of the two. Poppers, cigar/walking baits, frogs, rats, prop baits, spinners baits, buzz baits and floating jerk-baits all get the nod. Anything that you can make a subtle fuss around the surface will becon pike and bass like a dinner bell.

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