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Minnows In The Upper?


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just wondrin if anybody can verify if the minnows are schooling up along shore in the upper river. i usually net them by the peace bridge or the coal docks but dont want to waste the gas ( still lookin for work: thanks to the fiberals lol ) if they arent in yet. the problem is i live in chippawa and fish in dain city and the only minnow retailers are down toward lake erie. its too bad somebody couldnt make a go of it in welland

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if they are schooling around the shores of the upper, then chances are they are doing the same at the aquaduct near the rec, me and another member went there last year around the start of fall and had both our minnow buckets full in 2 dips

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Minnows are still small. Erie Tracker had some this morning. They were small also. I tried to net some last weekend in Chippawa in front of Tims but they fell right through the mesh. I also had no luck in Welland on the same day(AD,MI). Great if you find some. They are few and far between.

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marina? Or over by the peirs?

the SCGA ramp had a bunch this afternoon, and up by the east wall had lots, marina nothing, lots of emeralds this year, water temps are down so the minnow are there......I watched the chinny stockers ( 10"-18") feeding on the emeralds the last couple of trips I made out on the Pier. It's the first time I've seen the stocker's feeding ,but with no current, the minnow is in and the young chinny are eating. If your out on the pier and see small 12"+ silver fish rising in the harbour they are our chinny stock feeding on the emeralds, please don't target these little guys, in 3yrs they will be our 25lb+ kings then you can kick the crap outa them hahaha

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