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First Season Chasing Swamp Donkeys

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So 2015 will be my first year going after a white tail and not having a mentor to teach me the ropes leaves me with a few questions. Everything I know up to this point has either been read online or watched on youtube more or less. I have spent hours upon hours "studying" but I know that doesn't beat the hands-on learning.

I will be archey hunting with a compound bow from a ground blind. the piece of property I have been given permission to hunt on is an extremely dense wooded lot. one side being very difficult to walk through and the other is more open. about 40 acres all together, it backs on to a farmers feild so I was thinking about setting up along the tree line in a spot I found a few trails intersecting. I had a trail cam set up in that location last year but only got pictures of doe's and one smaller buck but I do believe I was too late for the rut. Am I going to find bucks wherever the doe's are during the rut?

I do have a concerns about after the shot (if i get one haha). I have only watched videos on feild dressing and I feel fairly confident I can get the job done but any tips will help. Also Im worried about meat spoilage, thats the last thing I want.

now here is the big IF, if I manage to take a deer worthy of being taxidermied are there any extra steps that I should take?

Im not sure of any butchers in Niagara that do this kind of work, all Im looking for are some rough cuts to get roasts, steaks and some ground meat. Also what would be the best way to get in touch with a taxidermist I'm not sure if the protocol when it comes to this kind of thing. Do I set up an appointment or just drop by.

any info would help out a great deal. Im really looking forward to this and being able to put food on the table for my family.

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Hi thefrog i'm a 100% bow hunter for deer if you need any info on any of your questions give me a pm

there are a few steps needed for a deer mount.and knowing them is very important and if you take a deer to a butcher do not

assume they know the right way to cape out a deer for Taxidermy never let them cut up the front of the neck this happens more than

to much always contact a taxidermist and be sure you understand before you hang up

This is the proper way to cape your deer my be graphic to some

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  • 3 weeks later...

I expected a moose posting, I've heard them called swamp donkeys. I got the first few deer I shot professionally butchered but then actually preferred to bone them out after that.

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As others have said, "be prepared". Have a plan, know which butcher and/or taxidermist you are going to take it too before hand. And know how to track (flag tape, good light) and field dress before firing a shot. And don't forget to have the right tools. A couple good sharp knives and know how to sharpen them properly, string or zip tie to close off its bowels(not fun), and a small bone saw.

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