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Guides For My Fly Rod !


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My fly blank is in transit so im just looking for some feedback on what guides everyone likes or recommends?? also its a 10'6" so 1 or 2 stripper guides?

and any sites/shops/factories that are highly regarded :)

Thnx in advance,



I've shopped Mudhole for components, great selection and fast shipping but the exchange rate sucks right now. Unfortunately there's not many Canadian suppliers so you'll probably be buying US anyhow.

10' 6" switch? Who made the blank? They should be able to recommend a guide layout.


Here's their spacing chart. Looks to be a bit outdated and missing some information.


I would go with either this:


or this:


depending on what the rod is being used for.


2 stripping guides then . If you need guide placement PM me it's what i do for a living there is a great rod blank and componants guy in Canada out west i deal with.


I would never deal with mudhole spacings. They are way off . No idea where thry get their info but it scares me.


No, don't work with mudhole spacings. Get the guides, and redo the spacing using one of the formulas out there and a flex test.



Andy is great to deal with and ships fast.

They are in Richmond BC.


I test and formulate my own spacing on the proper pressure points on the blank.


Johns fly material in London is the most local supplier of components. I'm in his shop all the time for rod building things as sometimes I only need a single piece. Check out his Web page shipping should be very reasonable.


Jordan you would be correct ;( haha and I already missed a delivery coz of work ;(

Tom thnx for the link, I hadn't even considered CTS for components/charts lol..who would of thunk it haha

Cliff are you available for consultations??? lol


Lots of blank supplies have charts drawn up by their experts.

I do like some raven and batson spacings. Some have good forumulas for spacing and some guess by the looks of it.


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