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Moose Hunt Draw


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How is everyone making out with the new system for this fall's hunt. Our camp in area 54 was extremely lucky in receiving a bull, cow and calf tag.

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We had one guy with 25 points who got the bull tag, 8 no good. The cow tag went to someone with 14 points, 7 no good. The calf went to 6 points, 4 no good. Based on this we could have a very hard time next year getting anything.

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Wow 25!  At least with the draw you had a chance, now some people/groups will be looking at a decade or more before having a shot at a tag. 

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If I understand the new system correctly.  Whoever received a tag and accepted their tag. They will have  zero points for next year regardless of how many points they had to start.That means everybody moves up the ladder with their points if they didn't receive a tag.


This is what was explained to me and they way I understand it.

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Maybe you'll have better luck in the second draw Mooseslayer. One advantage of our big camp is that we have that many more guys to apply for. I personally got a bull tag 2 years ago ( my first in about 8 years) so I won't be expecting anything for many years to come. Another thing going against us in our area is that last year the tag allotment was dropped from almost 900 to around 275.

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I think that there will be an opportunity to pick up calf and cow tags in the second application period as lots of people are rejecting them, however I don't see many rejecting a bull tag.

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I believe you are right Surf & Turf. As my camp is only 4 hours away, I would continue to go with only a calf tag. I love the whole hunting camp experience and I would not care to miss it. Having said that, I don't think I would continue to make that long and expensive trek to northwest of Thunder Bay where I hunted for so many years with only a calf tag in my pocket. In 40 plus years of moose hunting, I have taken many a bull & cow but only once did I have an opportunity to down a calf.

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