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1 in 5 Canadians in any given year struggle with a mental health issue. I for sure am one of them. One of the best ways I cope is to go fishing, the other way is to advocate and help break the stigma surrounding mental health. Fishing is the ONLY activity that most times I am able to be completely present in the moment. I am hoping to spark some engagement on the NFN surrounding mental health and fishing 🙏


Mental health and mental illness can seem a bit confusing, so let's break it down. Mental health is basically how you're doing emotionally and mentally overall. It's about feeling good about yourself, handling stress, and getting along with others. Think of it as your mental well-being.


Now, mental illness is when things aren't going so great in your head. It's like having a cold, but for your mind. This could mean feeling down a lot, worrying too much, or having trouble focusing. Mental illnesses can range from mild to serious, like depression or anxiety disorders.


Here's something alarming: even though a lot of people deal with mental health issues, many aren't getting the help they need. Can you believe that 1 out of 2 people struggling with mental health aren't getting the support they require? That's a big problem we need to fix.


Anxiety is super common too, affecting 1 in 8 people. It's like that jittery feeling you get before a big test, but turned up to 11.


And then there's the opioid crisis, where 21 people in Canada die every single day from overdosing. Not only is this a physical health issue, but it's also got big mental health implications. Addiction is tough to deal with on its own, but when it's mixed with mental health struggles, it's even harder.


Scary fact: 200 people in Canada try to end their lives every day. That's a huge number, and it shows how crucial it is to raise awareness and support each other when it comes to mental health.


Canada has made progress in mental health care, but we've still got a long way to go. We need to smash the stigma surrounding mental health, make it easier to get help, and make sure everyone understands what's going on.

Remember, it's totally okay not to be okay. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. One cool thing that can help your mental health is fishing. It's a chill way to relax, connect with nature, and just take a break from everything going on in your head.


The positive impacts that fishing can have on one's mental health cannot be denied! FISIHNG OFFERS: Stress Reduction, Mindfulness, Physical Activity, Connection with Nature, Social Connection, Sense of Achievement, Escape from Routine, Therapeutic Benefits, Relaxation, Improved Mood, Decreased Anxiety, Enhanced Concentration, Boosted Self-Esteem, Increased Vitamin D Exposure, Mindful Breathing, Mental Clarity, Improved Sleep Quality, Reduced Symptoms of Depression, A creative Outlet, Appreciation for Wildlife. 





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Kudos to you Kevin for helping out with this plague on our society . Most of us can relate to these issues and it seems to get worse every day .Our grandson Dylan has a pod cast about this and we are proud of him for helping others as he has dealt with it himself . The last paragraph covers it all !   :Gonefishing:


FISHING is a great way to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Since I received hearing aids I realize how much I have missed while fishing , like hearing distant birds flying overhead or singing in a tree 100 meters away .  Now I can enjoy fishing even more ! 



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I agree with everything you have said here mindful angler. I think everybody struggles sometimes... I know I do. I am also no stranger to the opioid crisis as I have lost family members to this and have felt the effects of it for many many years. I definitely use fishing as a form of therapy without even thinking about it. As you mentioned, there are so many benefits to fishing. I also believe music and learning an instrument can have huge benefits as well. Trying to figure out a song or just jamming with friends or alone can be a great way to stay in the moment, but not as good as fishing!! Haaa!!! Peace!!

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52 minutes ago, Radio said:

I agree with everything you have said here mindful angler. I think everybody struggles sometimes... I know I do. I am also no stranger to the opioid crisis as I have lost family members to this and have felt the effects of it for many many years. I definitely use fishing as a form of therapy without even thinking about it. As you mentioned, there are so many benefits to fishing. I also believe music and learning an instrument can have huge benefits as well. Trying to figure out a song or just jamming with friends or alone can be a great way to stay in the moment, but not as good as fishing!! Haaa!!! Peace!!

Nothing better than fishing and music to relieve stress. 

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On 3/27/2024 at 7:06 PM, Radio said:

I agree with everything you have said here mindful angler. I think everybody struggles sometimes... I know I do. I am also no stranger to the opioid crisis as I have lost family members to this and have felt the effects of it for many many years. I definitely use fishing as a form of therapy without even thinking about it. As you mentioned, there are so many benefits to fishing. I also believe music and learning an instrument can have huge benefits as well. Trying to figure out a song or just jamming with friends or alone can be a great way to stay in the moment, but not as good as fishing!! Haaa!!! Peace!!

Thank you Radio. I too am very familiar with the opioid crisis and grateful to have come out of it on the right side. There is no shame in struggling, it's ok to not be ok. Unfortunately there is still much stigma around mental health, and this is a big reason why I try and advocate where I can. Fishing has been monumental for me as a coping mechanism, and I also have witnessed it's positive effects on others and my own children! It would be nice down the road to see fishing recognized as a social prescription, an alternative or in conjunction with some counselling, as opposed to a handful of medication. 


Thanks for sharing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This mental health week, let us come together as a community to champion mental health, support one another with compassion and empathy, and work towards a future where mental health is recognized as a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. Together, we can build a more inclusive and supportive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 




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  • 4 weeks later...

June, celebrated as Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, brings attention to the often-overlooked aspect of men's well-being. It is a time to recognize the unique mental health challenges men face and promote effective strategies for coping and improvement. One such strategy is engaging in carp fishing, a pastime that offers numerous mental health benefits. Carp fishing allows men to immerse themselves in nature, providing a calm environment that reduces stress and promotes relaxation. The focus and patience required in fishing can enhance mindfulness, helping to shift thoughts away from daily pressures. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment from a successful catch can improve self-esteem and confidence. Finally, carp fishing can be a social activity, encouraging camaraderie and reducing feelings of isolation. By combining these elements, carp fishing serves as an excellent way to enhance mental health and well-being, making it a fitting highlight for Men's Mental Health Awareness Month in June. #MENTALHEALTHMATTERS

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