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Witnessing garbage at fishing spots has long been a source of frustration for me. Several years ago I was inspired by a true fishing ambassador and steward of the environment, I felt compelled to take action. With the support of the Canadian Carp Society, I initiated the CCS LEAVE NO TRACE garbage drive, aiming to raise awareness among our core team and beyond. This initiative was very well received in our community and across all social media. 


Trash can lead to closures of our favourite fishing spots. Nobody wants that. It can harm wildlife, pollute waterways, and spoil the beauty of nature we cherish so much. We have the power to change this. By educating ourselves and others, by engaging in responsible practices, and by leading by example, we can be the driving force for positive change.


We can make a real difference by not only bringing home the garbage we bring out with us, but also by bringing a garbage bag with us fishing and picking up after others. Leaving our fishing areas better than we found them not only leaves you feeling good, but also promotes positive karma. 


At the SCGFA general meeting I was so pleased to see that there are other groups doing similar initiatives and promoting shore cleans ups! 


I hope this year to see others engage in this practice, participate in group clean-ups, share photos and inspire others to do the same! 



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I always look for fishing line at my shore spots . Last week I found a short piece of heavy mono with 2 hooks . I have been posting about garbage for many years here.

I have seen the results of careless anglers leaving trash , like a dead hawk hanging from a tree and reading about a dog having a roe bag and hook removed at the vets.

Check out the search window here using the words trash and garbage . It's been going on for a long time.

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Excellent video Kevin , we need to get the word out to keep our fishing spots open . "GARBAGE" should be on the first page of our fishing and hunting regulations . When we hunted northern Ontario we left our camp sites very clean and the MNR guys would inspect shortly after .  

NFN has had some cleanups , the largest one took place at Jordan Harbour ,another at the Niagara Pool /Glen .

We must be wary these days as some places have used needles . So we should know what to do when finding them ?  We can pick them up with pliers or tongs and dropinside a plastic water bottle ? They are found mostly under bridges and locally at places on the shores of the 12 Mile Creek .

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On 3/31/2024 at 12:22 PM, smerchly said:

I always look for fishing line at my shore spots . Last week I found a short piece of heavy mono with 2 hooks . I have been posting about garbage for many years here.

I have seen the results of careless anglers leaving trash , like a dead hawk hanging from a tree and reading about a dog having a roe bag and hook removed at the vets.

Check out the search window here using the words trash and garbage . It's been going on for a long time.

I remember your posts Smerch. You too are a true ambassador! We can all make a difference. 

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19 hours ago, smerchly said:

Excellent video Kevin , we need to get the word out to keep our fishing spots open . "GARBAGE" should be on the first page of our fishing and hunting regulations . When we hunted northern Ontario we left our camp sites very clean and the MNR guys would inspect shortly after .  

NFN has had some cleanups , the largest one took place at Jordan Harbour ,another at the Niagara Pool /Glen .

We must be wary these days as some places have used needles . So we should know what to do when finding them ?  We can pick them up with pliers or tongs and dropinside a plastic water bottle ? They are found mostly under bridges and locally at places on the shores of the 12 Mile Creek .

Yes needles are common these days. Luckily only 1 that Im aware of that came from the SCGFA spring clean-up, my daughter found it by the water. Puncture proof gloves are a must, but pliers or tongs work too. Safest place to dispose of them sir are in a sharps container. 

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Should I arrange a shore clean up? For May maybe? I could likely get volunteers from the CCS. My family would join. Id be more than willing to provide the garbage bags, latex gloves and sharps containers for any needles we may encounter.



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  • 4 weeks later...

A quick tidy at Rice Lake this past weekend. I was surprised and disappointed to see this. 2 LARGE ziplok bags of spent shells scattered in the area we were fishing. We fished an island and safe to assume it may be an area duck hunters frequent. We left the place immaculate. 





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While patiently waiting for the sound of the alarms to grab our attention we can clean up the mess the boneheads left behind . A plastic water bottle may be suitable to put  needles in but be extra careful handling them (tongs ,pliers) . And then there's the butts ! Some actually think they are harmless , imagine that !

We need more people like you Kevin , true stewards of our environment !  

And that goes for hunters too , and everyone else enjoying our great outdoors . ( can't wait to catch up to you on those mirrors Kevin) :Gonefishing:

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22 hours ago, smerchly said:

While patiently waiting for the sound of the alarms to grab our attention we can clean up the mess the boneheads left behind . A plastic water bottle may be suitable to put  needles in but be extra careful handling them (tongs ,pliers) . And then there's the butts ! Some actually think they are harmless , imagine that !

We need more people like you Kevin , true stewards of our environment !  

And that goes for hunters too , and everyone else enjoying our great outdoors . ( can't wait to catch up to you on those mirrors Kevin) :Gonefishing:

I was always preaching to keep our areas clean and pick up after the ignorant people that can't pick up after themselves but I was guilty for throwing cigarette butts. Once I realized the negative impact they had I quickly changed that behaviour before I quit smoking. 

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I asked a conservation officer about tossing butts at our fishing areas and he said they would get a ticket if he saw them tossing butts . If I was a smoker I would be inclined to toss the butts into the water rather than leave them on shore and I'm sure our lakes get plenty of raw sewage also.....

Ice  fishermen would be an easy target for getting fined if they trash the area with butts . I believe cameras would  be used these days for evidence if needed .

Over the years I have posted many trash pictures with fishing line being the number one enemy for killing wildlife.

THIS scene was on the news last night . The planet has become a giant dump site for plastics and they say micro plastics are in our food now.




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On 4/27/2024 at 7:15 PM, Port_D_Guy said:

I always pick up discarded fishing line. Especially if snarled up or causes tripping hard. Use scissors if bad enough.

Enemy #1 is fishing line .Some anglers don't realize that birds and animals get caught up in it and die a slow death , like the hawk I saw hanging from a tree at Rooker's Road at P. Dalhousie. And people who walk their dogs don't appreciate having to take Fido to the vets to remove a roe bag and hook for $500+. 

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Just now, smerchly said:

Enemy #1 is fishing line .Some anglers don't realize that birds and animals get caught up in it and die a slow death , like the hawk I saw hanging from a tree at Rooker's Road at P. Dalhousie. And people who walk their dogs don't appreciate having to take Fido to the vets to remove a roe bag and hook for $500+. 

Agreed Smerch. All we can do is educate, inspire and lead by example. 

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Saturday morning until Sunday at noon. 4 anglers. All the garbage we brought in, we took out + walked up and down the bank to collect any bits of garbage we could find. All combined, the trash fit nicely into a large dollarama bag. Simple 👌. To my surprise the bank was fairly clean for a change. I wish everyone respected the environment. 


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