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Another Newbie wanting to introduce myself.

My real name is Wally Grobb here from St. Kitts. I haven't done alot of open water fishing other than my flyrod in the last couple of years. Two kids kinda kyboshed me for a while. I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to join. I am a confessed HARDWATER junkie and now that the season is rolling to an end I am looking for some therapy and maybe a shoulder to cry on. I am really interested in drifting for trout in Port Dalhousie even though i have no idea what you are talking about.

Right now I am concentrating on perch and crappie. I guess in a couple weeks there will be ice out pike to be had. I am also interested in Walleye in the grand river.

I guess that is enough babble for a while.


Let the healing begin.

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Welcome Maka ....I'm in mourning with you , watching ole Frosty melt , makes me go into hiding for a while 1_4_46.gif . So bro , besta we maka da best of it for a while and learn how to catcha da trouties . Cliff is an old hand a getting the steelies out of the rivers ......keep that fly rod handy !

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Welcome to NFN maka!

I don't post much on here because I don't really have much input, but this is a great website to gain valuable knowledge from many people, I am here just about everyday reading posts (lurking).

Enjoy your stay!

-Frank :Gonefishing:

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Know what you mean by the little ones.

Be very careful. I learned the hard way it's not like riding a bike. Dad didn't hold the seat for me this time when I finally got back on :Gonefishing:


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Guest canadadude

Welcome to the crazy wonderfull world of NFN and drop by Port Dalhousie and check it out, dosn't take that long to start hooking Trouties just don't get discouraged!! Like anything else put your time in get the basics down and away you go :rolleyes: It gets addictive......... so they tell me :dunno:

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