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Sherkston Gone Loonie


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When I was at Sherkston yesterday. I noticed that the loons were really eating alot of trout. I seen atlest 12 trout eaten within 15-20 minutes. I really could not believe it. The first time I was there I only noticed 1 loon yesterday there was 8. They were diving down and coming back up with good size trout and eating them down whole. It wouldn't take long for those loons to really put a hurting on those trout. :)

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Not trying to be smart here, but I have been waterfowling my whole life I know exactly what I saw.

Loons have a white belly and are twice the size of a cormorant.

You know I have two retrievers, and there may or may not have been a cormorant or two acciddently killed :dunno: a few years back when they first started reeling their ugly stinky bodies around.

They stink so bad my dogs wouldn't even pic them up. LOL

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Yes ,the loons are migrating northward along with the vultures and raptors . I'm pretty sure a loon was in the docks near the Port Mansion yesterday . I drove by 2 huge vultures eating a mangled rabbit at the side of Catarac Rd. ....only about 10 ft.from my truck as I passed them .....they didn't move an inch ! How do you get rid of loons ? ....they can dive for a few minutes & pop up at the other end ......... :dunno:

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You don't get rid of them

They are protected.

Gord might be able to do something with the Ministry's help I am not sure though.

Chances are they will move on, and continue heading north.

Any ways I will let you know, I am heading out there today with the family.

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Guest sherkstonfishing

okay just read up on them, looks like common loons, Black and white, also seem to be 6 large and about 12 small maybe chicks, looks like they only take small fish, maybe just the bait fish, would i be right in thinking they would struggle to eat a 1lb Trout??? could someone give me the benefit of there knowledge, Gord.

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Sherkstonfishing- I dont know much about loons but i saw them thursday there and they were nailing the trout and sunfish i saw one take a trout down prolly a good 1lber down the hatch with no problem, on thursday there certainly were more then 6 there and some chicks comming out of the woodworks as well, so they are def there. And whats been up with sherkston latley the fish are scared off or summin not getting half as many as u usually get there. I dunno but itz still a great time there.

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Guest Cowman

Maka, you prolly seen that one young one wondering around, it took the minnow off my dads line twice during the day and we seen a few eaten from where we were tooo

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water is really clear in there, I think alot of the fish where further out because of all the birds,in a couple spots I tried, I could see my bait like 15 feet down or more no prob, and the birds where really concentrated a ways out of casting range just out from the beach..I suspect lots of the fish where out in that water, judging by all the diving going on from the birds. Loons can eat fair sized fish for sure, I see them eat decent sized bass sometimes at my camp

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Guest Cowman

The visability in the water was deep, I could see pretty far down, and when i was in the corner on the beach where the rock wall thingy starts, I could see pretty far there too, also a random dead rainbow laying in the shallowly bottom

Pretty good day there for me tho, I was satisfyed for my first day out this year

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o.k. guys who was there today.

I saw a loon eat a trout that was so big it could barely swallow it it took several tries to get it down.

P.S. There was "9" adult loons there today. I have no doubt that they are probably nocking back 15-30 trout a day between them. I seen one loon eat 3 trout yesterday within 10 minutes.

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Guest fishmaster

Loons are here heading back north ..and yes they can eat 12 to 14" fish without a problem ...but thats mother nature ..sucks they have to stop there to munch down on gords stock ..there must be ways of scareing them off ...like a SHOT GUN ...not saying shot them but get them outa there..ive seen them wipe out good lakes north ..

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i was there 3 guys bonfire no fish lol it was a kinda crappie day for fishign and weather but still had fun after working my whole 3 hrs lmao and yesi seen loons take a few good sized ones and the damn diver came way out from they area they were diving we we at the high walled side and they were literally swimming under us

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Loons do not congregate on lakes like cormorants - only one mating pair per lake - maybe a couple more on larger lakes like Mazinaw but they don't like to be crowded. They really don't empty lakes like your average cormorant and they are impressive birds. We have them in HamHarbour too, in the spring. Don't worry though, they are smarter than us as they head north to avoid, ...well, ...us.

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i was up at my cottage in midland all this week and noticed many loons around. it sure was a nice thing to hear waking up to in the morning. i missed that sound all winter. cant wait for summer now.

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Guest fishmaster

On Star lake in Timmins we counted over 30 loons ..this is a very small lake with bass pike and walleye and over the past few years fishing has been getting bad ..fished 3 days no walleye a few big bass 2 pike ...all the locals say the loons are eating up the stocked fish ..yes nice birds nice to here but ...they are not like years back with just seeing pairs on lakes ...

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Guess I'll just stick to my little lakes where the loons behave like good little tourist icons - calling on cue at dawn and dusk and just floating around the rest of the day looking all icon-y.

Never been to Timmins - maybe the loons have a different union up that way.

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When I was much younger, I used to feed the one family of loons from the dock. They would take the minnows right out my hand.

Traditionally, loons don't form large communities except during migration. Something is changing the behaviour patterns. Possibly fewer lakes capable of sustaining population, destruction of nesting habitat, growth of competitor species like cormorants. :D

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We fished Rufus Lake and Opistaka and sometimes saw several loons in the little inlets . They were mosly in pairs in each small bay , but would congregate in one bay if there was a good food supply in that bay because of weed beds or structure .I think they must have a "dinner" call among their many calls :D Nothing like the call of the loon on a quiet misty morning........

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