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Liar's Club
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Everything posted by dave524

  1. The farther north you go the later the rut, because spring comes later, they should be behind us
  2. Aren't you supposed to bait them before you set them ??? like this one ???
  3. Took the crown 3 trials to get a conviction against Peter Khill after a not guilty on the first trial, tell me race and their anti gun agenda didn't play a part in that abuse of the court system , no double jeopardy in Canada you say
  4. Ken Anger was as I recall a decoy maker of note from Dunville back in my days, the Black in the picture is his style
  5. some mount an electric motor there, Das King Kayaks is one of them
  6. I got a 3/8 inch Skil brand plugin that I got when I did the interior of my '79 GMC van, it must be over 40 and still works well
  7. I caught chickens in high school back in the 60's , at first we were getting $11 a thousand and at the end $14 a thousand. You could catch 2 to 3 thousand a night. maybe 5 hours work so $6 bucks a hour say, great money back then but it was a rough day in school the next day.
  8. At RCSS Tuesday they had a cooler , fresh whole chickens were $1.98 a pound and drumsticks were $3.49 a pound , thought it weird the drumsticks were so much, that price is usually for skinless thighs or breasts. Must be good money in cutting up chickens 🤣 edit: when are the grocers ever going metric with their advertising ?
  9. I watched the price of the canned dog food at Costco go from $28.95 for 24 cans to $32.95 to $38.95 and finally last week $42.95 all in a little over a year
  10. Google lens say it could be a Storm Deep Thunder
  11. I really don't see how any fish and game regs would apply here, but a few criminal code ones for sure
  12. I remember going out of Port Colborne for Blues with dad in the mid fifties , they were a small pickeral , average a pound and a half maybe rarely over 2, we would anchor deep water much like perching today and use minnows. Yellows were a trolling game , June Bug spinners were popular with a worm on the hook, they pulled like crazy for a 6 year old edit: we called them Blue Pickerel the Yanks from Buffalo called them Blue Pike
  13. the common name Walleye was not adopted till 1933 so perhaps that is why you called them Pickeral in your younger days https://ontariowalleyefishing.com/ontario-walleye-biology-fishing-resource/
  14. I'm still using an old 14.4 volt Mastercrap that I got before I retired, that was in 2008, it is at least 15 years old , uses NiCad pacs it is that old, Does the odd jobs I need it for. same one on Kiijiji LOL https://www.kijiji.ca/v-power-tool/winnipeg/mastercraft-maximum-14-4v-drill-kit-cheap/1636408022?undefined
  15. Grew up a bike ride from St John's , when it first opened , guessing around 1962 , it was stocked with Brookies as were all the put and take ponds , think it was about '64 the put and take ponds changed over to Bows. Some Specs made it over winter cause there were some 14/15 inchers the 2nd year, doubt a Spec would last 5 minutes in what the pond had become today.
  16. I recall years ago mom wanted me to get some hornets above the back door, went through her aerosol cans looking for a hornet blaster , didn't find any but there was a can of Easy Off oven cleaner, on direct contact it worked just as well 😅
  17. I'm sure if this goes through every Tom, Dick and Harry will want to pass along the credit card's fee to the consumer
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/telus-asks-crtc-permission-to-add-15-25-credit-card-surcharge-to-customer-bills/ar-AA10AdKO?fromMaestro=true
  19. Saw this in another forum, looks like the Ottawa River is the place for them https://bunksoutdoorangle.com/ottawa-river-gar-for-the-record/
  20. He pretty much explains the changes, it is all so hush hush it seems like they are trying to entrap people, don't want anyone here being the next Rodger Kotanko.
  21. Actually the New York State record is from Lake Erie not Ontario as most would assume
  22. They are a legal species you know. Don't have any idea about them as table fare
  23. Fished there in the 70's, didn't really get many jumbos, 10 inches was a good one
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