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Posts posted by dave524

  1. On 2/23/2023 at 11:34 AM, Markster said:

    Just an fyi to anyone in the grimsby area, the debate about firearms discharge in the area is restarting-again.

    Personally, i thought they had a great model in the last bylaw, but that was recinded likely due to shooting waterfowl over the lake in close proximity to housing.

    A public meeting is scheduled for march 1 from 6-8pm. An online survey is also asking for feedback.

    the links are below.



     I live not far from the Elizabeth Street pumphouse, they were at least a quarter mile offshore not in close proximity to housing , steel shot could never travel far enough to hit the homes , complete BS . Noise is not an issue , the DNA rifle range with full auto fire is far noisier just down the road near the new development west of Casa Blanca

  2. On 1/8/2023 at 10:13 PM, smerchly said:

    That close up is showing a blood spot from the antlers ? 

    Toronto is north of Niagara so those northern deer are probably a week ahead of us ....:rolleyes:

    That deer I posted looks like he's an old fella judging by the white muzzle and by the way it walked in the video.

    Deer hunters would know better than I about that .....

      The farther north you go the later the rut, because spring comes later, they should be behind us

  3. 1 hour ago, smerchly said:

    That's the one Dave . It was baited & I decided to add a small piece of fish to the bait plate & touched it accidently with my finger ...Whammmm ! 

    The corner of the spring wire hit my thumb knuckle & it swelled up in seconds . First time I have got caught . I need to get some reflex meds , getting a tad slower these days.  Hope to have a nice rat pic tomorrow !

     Hair trigger LOL

  4. 9 hours ago, boogaloo said:

    Truedope and his Lieberals are afraid of the first nations thugs. I have many FN friends that are great folks but the militant ones are bad news.



    Took the crown 3 trials to get a conviction against Peter Khill after a not guilty on the first trial, tell me race and their anti gun agenda didn't play a part in that abuse of the court system , no double jeopardy in Canada you say

  5. 4 hours ago, smerchly said:

    Spotted this on U.T. ,short clips .....

    It looks like it has a John in the middle .....but great for releasing fish or using an ice fishing rod for jigging ....

    Anyone happen to have this model ?    They are called scrubber holes ...big enough to fish through ?   




    some mount an electric motor there, Das King Kayaks is one of them

  6. On 10/12/2022 at 10:15 AM, smerchly said:

    I tossed my 14 v out with the other ones Dave . It still charged but not fully charged .

    My very old "plug in" drills still work fine after 20+ years . "Instant chargeing time"   B)


    I got a 3/8 inch Skil brand plugin that I got when I did the interior of my '79 GMC van, it must be over 40 and still works well

  7. On 11/5/2022 at 8:32 PM, fishingking said:

    I have a couple buddy's out near Goderich area that catch chickens and load trucks on the weekend...they make over 350$ cash in an 8 hour shift🤨...not sure that has anything to do with the inflation but ya it's ridiculous...I'm spending over 500$ a month with a family of 4 ....😕


    I caught chickens in high school back in the 60's , at first we were getting $11 a thousand and at the end $14 a thousand. You could catch 2 to 3 thousand a night. maybe 5 hours work so $6 bucks a hour say, great money back then but it was a rough day in school the next day.

  8. 10 hours ago, smerchly said:

    Chicken legs are now priced like sirloin steak !  I might be trapping some squirrels soon (nutty flavour) . We have plenty of them here !

    Lube up Jack....help Loblaws make another 2 billion in profits .......  

    We WILL be eating some fresh pike next week !  (thinking positive)  :angry:


    At RCSS Tuesday they had a cooler , fresh whole chickens were $1.98 a pound and drumsticks were $3.49 a pound , thought it weird the drumsticks were so much, that price is usually for skinless thighs or breasts. Must be good money in cutting up chickens 🤣  edit: when are the grocers ever going metric with their advertising ? 

  9. On 10/29/2022 at 4:09 PM, smerchly said:

    What a screw up today ! 

    I decided to go to Port Dal . toss a few lures around for salmon , pike , or anything ! 

    There was no parking anywhere and people everywhere . So I took a chance & parked in front of a door way .( which is seldom used now) 

    I grabbed my gear .....but where's my net ??  So I will check for minnows first & grab a coffee ....but where's my wallet ?? 

    No money , no net , do I.D. or drivers license ....So, I checked for minnows (lots of people from T.O. ? ,  fishing from the walk bridge .

    No minnows anywhere , so back to Rennie where there were about 50 people ?? Ah , they have some races going on !!  

    Did I pick the wrong day or what ??  Off  I went straight home as I had no license . 

    BUT , I found a nice lure with 20 feet of line on the shore near the bridge ...don't know the name of it,  but it looks nice in my tackle box .  B)


    I dug me up about 2 dozen red wigglers today from my mulch pile ....maybe a shore perch trip soon ....  



    Found Lure.JPG


    Google lens say it could be a Storm Deep Thunder  image.png



  10. 10 hours ago, Chrisb said:

    Old timer I fished with called them Yellows. That was from when there was yellows and blues in lake Erie.


    I remember going out of Port Colborne for Blues with dad in the mid fifties , they were a small pickeral , average a pound and a half maybe rarely over 2, we would anchor deep water much like perching today and use minnows. Yellows were a trolling game , June Bug spinners were popular with a worm on the hook, they pulled like crazy for a 6 year old


    edit: we called them Blue Pickerel the Yanks from Buffalo called them Blue Pike

  11. 9 hours ago, smerchly said:

    As a kid we called some fish different names from what we call them now . Here are some ....


    Walleye ................Pickerel

    Small Mouth Bass .........Black Bass 

    Bowfin ..........dog Fish 

    Alewife ........Shiner 

    Log Perch ......Sand Pike

    Burbot ....Ling , eel pout 

    Pumpkinseed .....sunfish

    Now , "Walleye " makes more sense now because they  have a walleye which glows when a light shines on them in the dark ....

    This is my 10 lb. "eye" which I caught ice fishing the B.O.Q. and mounted it using a piece of aluminum foil inside the eye ....hanging in the basement.

    Hence , it is a true wall eye .....



    Wall Eye.JPG


    the common name Walleye was not adopted till 1933 so perhaps that is why you called them Pickeral in your younger days  https://ontariowalleyefishing.com/ontario-walleye-biology-fishing-resource/

  12. Grew up a bike ride from St John's , when it first opened , guessing around 1962 , it was stocked with Brookies as were all the put and take ponds , think it was about '64 the put and take ponds changed over to Bows. Some Specs made it over winter cause there were some 14/15 inchers the 2nd year, doubt a Spec would last 5 minutes in what the pond had become today.

  13. 4 hours ago, smerchly said:

    Thanks Dave ....another monet grab if they get away with it , and a tax on a tax is nothing new in Canada . They think we have lots of extra money saved after two years of going to nowheresville . I read that we pay the highest fees for cell phones and cable  than other countries .  I  may end up using my debit card for everything . We still write cheques for some things .  


    I'm sure if this goes through every Tom, Dick and Harry will want to pass along the credit card's fee to the consumer

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