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Posts posted by Dave

  1. I'm getting more wobbly to, Paul...So far I haven't managed to tip the Hobie yet..I have a lean bar on mine which is awesome for casting out of....

    I would love a more compact boat but just can't spend the money now...I'm so used to peddling now I wouldn't know what to do with a paddle😆


  2. 5 hours ago, smerchly said:

    There is so much to learn about fly fishing . It takes years to learn all the tricks to master it . I would be stocking many types of fish locally and I believe I'd try carp fishing with a fly as well as are easy to target in shallow spots . 

    I was wondering what that hair(fur) is on that fly Dave , so I found a great high quality video that was very well put together to show how this fly is built . 

    So I assume you used squirrel fur also ?  And I believe the mayfly hatch will be feeding the fish soon  and the fly anglers will be having a blast .



    Yes Smerchly that is the pattern. Pine Squirrel Zonker strips aren't the most common material to find. So I substituted in a Olive Rabbit zonker strip trimmed thinner.I use a huge amount of Rabbit strips for Trout,Bass,Steelhead,Snook,and Bonefish...Its the material that catches everything..


    If you are keen on hatch fishing I would make sure you have some Tan Caddis patterns..There's always Caddis on the water... There is also a good chance a fish will take a Caddis pattern even in a May Fly hatch..Just sayin

  3. Here is a Guelph fly shop   https://thefirstcast.ca  and a Toronto  one   https://www.driftoutfitters.com....

    Sail in Burlington has a small fly fishing section...Bass Pro carries some essentials as well.. 


    Here's contact through Facebook for Johns Fly materials..http://www.johnsflymaterials.com

    and his email          jrjfm@aol.com  . John is a small independent in London and offers good prices

    and is very well stocked.... 

  4. Fishing was tough this time..I can't say I spotted a lot of fish but it can change on a daily basis...Some of the fish I saw were spooky as hell. As usual a lot of blown casts that should have been on target...Next trip I really have to spend way more time practising before I go, but I say that every time..You make the slightest mistake and you usually blow your shot..This was the best fish I got on a guided trip. A couple of days latter I landed one NINE POUNDS +/-  on the local diy flats !!!!!!! Overall not many fish but the big one might be a once in a lifetime fish.... 


  5. A 8' 6" 4wt. will be fine for southern Ontario...For a starter pack I would bring 3 nymph patterns that are must have's. A pheasant tail in size #14-#16..The same sizes in a Hare's Ear nymphs. You can use the natural Hare's Ear and olive is good to.... A pattern thats called the Hoover which is a a Hare's Ear nymph but with rubber Sili legs..That one is tied in the larger sizes and can pass for a Stone fly nymph....Of course there are many more but these are the staple must have's.....Use them weighted or add small shot...


    For Dry flys just use Emerger patterns.Either with Snow shoe rabbit wing or Deer hair....Best tied on curved shank dry fly hooks 

    ( Emerger hooks)..But you can tie them on the regular dry fly hooks..The Snow shoe rabbit wings are awesome as they float like a cork...Mostly everything in a size #12-16....These are just some of the basic staples...


    I've lost my enthusiasm for resident stream trout..It usually requires a long car ride through crowded highways now to get to the Credit or Grand...Saltwater fly fishing ruined me, I need big fish that pull like stink now LOL!  

  6. 18 hours ago, smerchly said:

    I planned on trying for browns today using a spinner worm combo but Ma Nature was in a mood again .....

    And a 10' x 3' piece of rolled roofing just came crashing to the ground from my barn shed this morning , broke away from the nails ! Crazy !! So I filled the seam with black roofing cement and will get some shingles later this spring . 

    East wind today Steelshady , not nice on the west side . Are the parking machines up there now ?


    I would be casting 2/5 Cleo's (blue/silver) on the lake side.....

  7. Probably get the spey out soon for steelhead I hope. Then Lake O shoreline should start for Browns end of March. Will be in Cuba mid April  for vacation with Bones and Barracuda...Then out to Cape Cod beginning of June for Stripers..Then off to Buckhorn for family vacation and Bass opener...Back to Lake Erie kayak and the Grand wading for the rest of the summer....And I'm sure some fishing in between 😆

  8. I don't mess around now, ever since I had some skin cancer removed from my face..Now I wear swim tights under my shorts.I also have neoprene socks that come up to lower calf, as well as Saltwater flats boots.I have very little skin exposed now..I've also been stung by jellyfish in the lagoons so I'm hoping the swim tights will be an extra protective layer..


    All you fisherman should be wearing SPF 50 sunscreen and protective sun clothing.Skin cancer doesn't show up until latter in life.Trust me many friends and relatives have had it.I dress almost the same way in Lake Erie when I'm in the kayak now..

  9. So happens Cuba was having some of its worse cold fronts in 20 years according to some..This made some of the fish disappear in certain areas.Fishing was tough, cold water, and lots of wind...Add Christmas and my buddies birthday to the mix I didn't get out a whole lot...Last day with the guide made up for everything, landed 6 and dropped another 3.Mostly respectable sized Bones in the Lagoons and hit one small Cuda.As always I learned a lot about stalking fish on the flats...




  10. Yes Smerch the Bonefish in Cuba can get big.They are also extremely spooky and can run at 40 mph..Typical water depth for fishing is knee to ankles.A 5-6lb. fish

    can open up your hook if the drag is set too tight...The fish at the top is a Mutton Snapper.I never new you could catch them in the shallows.Fights as good as a Bonefish but different..






  11. 7 minutes ago, deetch said:

    Cuba has some of the most beautiful beaches, the only downfall is the food SUCKS!

    I've been to Cuba so many times I can work a Cuban buffet and eat like a king.But I agree if you can't adapt not the place for you.I get budget guiding in the Lagoons for $200 USD and can get in some diy..

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