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Just wondering about rivers and creeks


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After waste water from houses has gone through water treatment plans, does it go into rivers/creeks that run through cities such as grand rivers, erindale/humber river, 12mile creek, etc. then out into lake Erie, lake Ontario?

If that's the case, then creek trouts/pan fish/carp/cat/etc. are living in discharged water. I fished many times along the grand river from Paris to Brantford and also Dunville area. Consuming fishes from these area is not recommended then. During seasons, perch and trout tend to gather at the river mouths where river water is constantly flowing into the lake.

Just wondering. Please enlighten and no negative comments.

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I see that you are relatively new to this board, and while you have asked for no negative responses I don't think that is going to be realistic given the fact you made a broad statement that "consuming these fish is not recommended".

Yes treated water is discharged back into the Grand, here in Brantford and elsewhere and ultimately ends up in Lake Erie and Ontario. The Ontario Guide to Eating Sport Fish will in most cases strongly disagree with you about not eating fish.

There is a spot here in Brantford I discovered where the treated water is sent back into the Grand, I have personally caught decent fish out of this spot and I have eaten them. I have been eating fish out of the Grand for the last 35 years, I'm not glowing green or sprouted funky gills or whatever. :Gonefishing:

What about all of us who have been out in Lake Ontario and Erie on a boat and have had to take a whiz? What about the fish themselves who "relieve" themselves in the treated discharge water? Or the seagulls that drop bombs into the water? This gets dilluted very quickly in the water and the zebra mussels that are in Ontario and Erie have taken care of clearing up the water, so I really wouldn't worry too much about eating anything that comes out of either lake.

Just my 2 cents...

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There is a lot more than treated water going into these streams that you should worry about. Farm runoff, both untreated manure and chemical fertilzers/pesticides are constantly running into these streams every time it rains. every where a road crosses the stream all kinds of oils/antifreeze chemical ice melters etc are running into the stream everytime it rains.

Treated water is just that treated and supposed to meet regulated guidelines before discharge back into the waterbody (in many industrial instances it is actually cleaner than the water drawn from the stream). These days there are environmental controls for discharging water and waste into the environment Compnaies can no longer dump toxic waste into places like Beaver Board did to Lake Gibson in the past and how the steel Plants in Hamilton used to. However farm runoff is not very controllable. And what made the people of Walkerton sick those few years ago? Sure it was faulty drinking water treatment, but what was it treating for??? E. Coli from cow dung.

That being said, I still eat fish I catch, just not from Gibson, moody, 12 mile creek system, Charles Daly, The Niagara River. Never fished Hamilton Harbour and don't intend to eat anything from there.

Just my 2 cents


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If you put that much thought into what you eat out of the lakes and rivers, you should also be looking at what you eat at the grocery store. As bad as the contaminents in the fish may be...have you ever learned about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)? If not, you should rent the movie "The World According to Monsanto" another good one is "Our Daily Bread". These flicks really get you thinking about our food and what Agri-business has done to it.

The only way to really know what your eating is to grow it yourself.

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If you put that much thought into what you eat out of the lakes and rivers, you should also be looking at what you eat at the grocery store. As bad as the contaminents in the fish may be...have you ever learned about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)? If not, you should rent the movie "The World According to Monsanto" another good one is "Our Daily Bread". These flicks really get you thinking about our food and what Agri-business has done to it.

The only way to really know what your eating is to grow it yourself.

Well said Jason

I would personally rather eat a fish caught in the Grand than any farm raised fish that is fed pellets.

The world we live in is polluted there is nothing we can do about this. Look at the oceans and how many boats dump their sewage into them without treatment. Look at the chemicals used to fertilize vegetables, or the feed given to our live stock and you will probably agree that eating fish out of a fairly clean body of water like the Grand River really isnt doing too much harm to us.

Just my $0.02

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Forget about the food you put into your body...What about the air you breathe? :dunno: But you can't hold your breath for ever :) or the water you drink, especially from those plastic bottles.

Even growing your own food you don't know what Genetic modifications have been done to the seeds you buy. But I still say wild game is the best for you all the way. It is not full of the same pesticides and antibiotics and growth hormones and all of the other crap that commercially available food is filled with.


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People fish for salmon by the "nuke" (nuclear) plant in pickering because the warm water outflow attracts the fish (there are no green or mutated fish). I would assume that the water flowing out of treatment plants is safe but of course I would not eat the fish. I ALWAYS practice catch and release so im safe :dunno:

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Great topic! :)

We make the mess, we drink breath and eat it. Good reason to be conscious of what you buy, throw away or where your stuff goes when you flush during that torrential downpour. If our fish and wildlife become inedible we're done. Eat it or get involved and force a clean up. Teach your kids to pass it on to theirs.

Wild game has all the poisons that we dump into their environment but its got less hormones and antibiotics than farmed food. Your garden veggies contain the pollution that spreads with our weather and leafy vegetables like broccoli and lettuce accumulate the most. Women flush synthetic estrogen into our sewers which treatment does not break down and this is stressing our fish stocks. Aboriginal communities that incorporate large amounts of fish into their diets are seeing higher levels of cross gendered child birth.

Makes you wonder how you ever got brainwashed into thinking dandelions are evil. Someone convinced you to pour pesticides on your lawn in a never ending battle with a weed that will never be eradicated from your yard. Billions of gallons of pesticides douse our environment for cosmetic purposes and guess what. We eat that crap while some fat sap sips margaritas at his beach house on the profits.

If it's yellow, let it mellow :dunno:

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Thank you all for your replies! I've been reading this forum for a long time, but I think this thread is my very first inquiry on here.

Thanks to you guys I've gathered more knowledge on what's in the water on the river systems and great lakes. Sometimes standing on the shore fishing and looking at the clear water flowing by, I often wonder about the water origin. I guess case by case I just need to make conscious decision on consuming the catch. I think I already tried pretty much most popular fishes in streams and lakes around here. I must admit some are very tasty.

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Yes good topic.

Makes you wonder how you ever got brainwashed into thinking dandelions are evil.

Not everyone follows the ''norm''.... :)

Many people including myself pick the leaves of the dandelions for salads and soups.

The leaves have more nutrition than most leafy greens you can buy. And they are

pesticide free. Just have to keep an eye on my dogs :dunno:

These pretty flowers grow freely on my property and neighbours as well :angry:

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Who knows what's in our food or water or air ? e.g. they want to put floride into our drinking water which means ALL of the water from our hoses & toilets will be floridated .....good for the lakes ? My dentist is totally opposed to this , we can get floride in toothpaste ,thus keeping it out of our stomachs etc. Our biggest polluters are industry & farms . Industry is shutting down & that is good for the environment but farms now use tons of chemicals and spread cow & human dung on the land to fertilize the crops.We have another "industry" that is a by-product of all this pollution called the cancer industry . That keeps the drug companies busy & thus ,the "pills" end up in our lakes as well ....what a revolving door we have here & many millionaires are doing very well from this never ending scene . I agree eating wild game is better , but what would happen if millions of us decided to hunt our own game ? Bambi would be history . When I hunted moose west of Thunder Bay , Ontario , there were signs posted in the back roads that advised hunters to bury the livers from moose as they contained high levels of cadmium whish if injested by the eagles would make the egg shells soft & break........The only thing we can do is let the governments know we are very concerned about our food & water and that includes the chemical laden foods that are imported ! So folks , eat some fish .....get your omega 3 & yes , pick some dandlelions , more nutrition than spinach ! And I'm glad to see them banning lawn pesticide use ......they kill all the worms in my yard....that tells me something....... :dunno:

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Don't forget about the dandelion wine. :lol:

Still need to get a recpe for this. Iam sure there will now be plenty of places to get the recipes.

That should be the new motivational slogan in Ontario

"When life gives you dandelions make dandelion wine."


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I'll share a little story that happened to me at 50 Point Marina a few years ago.

An older gentleman and his wife had just come in off Lake Ontario from a morning fish. The older gentleman jumped from the bow of his boat into the water (about 12' deep) to align his boat on the trailer. The boat was a bout a 17' with bimini top and 2 downriggers if I remember correctly) After winching it up with his wife still on board I noticed a cooler in the back end of the boat. I asked "How was the fishing?" He showed me 2 bows (one about 5lbs one about 8lbs) and a nice chinny (about 16lbs).

So I asked the gentleman, "Sir aren't you a little afraid of eating fish from Lake Ontario?"

He replied "Not really son, I always cut the first 2" of belly meat out of the fish before I cook it"

I said "Ok so I guess you only eat it in moderation then"

He replied "Son, I am 87 years old and have been eating 2-3 meals of Lake Ontario fish a week every summer, since I was a youngen"

I almost crapped my pants....I would have given the man 65-70 tops with his appearance and his agility!!!!

But yes...we really gotta watch what we are putting into our enviroment....or we might be forced to live in bubbles in the future!

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Great topic! ^_^

We make the mess, we drink breath and eat it. Good reason to be conscious of what you buy, throw away or where your stuff goes when you flush during that torrential downpour. If our fish and wildlife become inedible we're done. Eat it or get involved and force a clean up. Teach your kids to pass it on to theirs.

Wild game has all the poisons that we dump into their environment but its got less hormones and antibiotics than farmed food. Your garden veggies contain the pollution that spreads with our weather and leafy vegetables like broccoli and lettuce accumulate the most. Women flush synthetic estrogen into our sewers which treatment does not break down and this is stressing our fish stocks. Aboriginal communities that incorporate large amounts of fish into their diets are seeing higher levels of cross gendered child birth.

Makes you wonder how you ever got brainwashed into thinking dandelions are evil. Someone convinced you to pour pesticides on your lawn in a never ending battle with a weed that will never be eradicated from your yard. Billions of gallons of pesticides douse our environment for cosmetic purposes and guess what. We eat that crap while some fat sap sips margaritas at his beach house on the profits.

If it's yellow, let it mellow :Gonefishing:

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Chille: I seem to recall an article on estrogen getting in the water. I have not heard that Aboriginal communities that incorporate large amounts of fish into their diets are seeing higher levels of cross gendered child birth.

What is a cross gendered birth and do you have any references to this..I could not find it on a quick check of google.

You are quite correct that anything synthetic introduced into the environment does impacts all levels of the food chain.

The Parks Commission are a good/bad example of gypsy moth spraying, and pesticide and herbicide use.


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I remember reading that their was an aboriginal community on the St Lawrence that were having many children with (both sex organs or a combination of both) and they traced it to two things. Estrogen from women who had hysterectomies and had to supplement their bodies with sythetic estrogen which doesn't break down at the treatment plant............... and plastic which when it breaks down releases estrogen mimickers.

I remember this because I got in trouble for making a un politically correct statement because the people effected were in Quebec and you know the history of the French :Gonefishing: . Men with wigs and snuff ^_^

Simply kidding around Jacques, elbow, nudge snicker.

I'm sorry but I can no longer find the reference. Will post if I find it though.

Oh ya and they tested their staple fish and found the fish were cross gendered as well.

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The only thing ive ever ate from around here was perch from lake O. And it tasted the same as the perch from the Kawarthas the Haliburtons, Georgian Bay, etc

Fish is fish. eat it !!! We cant be scared in life.


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