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My Thought on the MNR!!!!!!


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After all of the post on this and similar boards about reading the regs you still haven't read the regs? What about getting a licence? Did you do that? it is up to you to know the rules of the sport in which you partake. Same goes with hockey, soccer, basketball, golf etc....except with fishing you get fined when you get caught.

I cannot feel sorry for a member of a board such as this that gets fined breaking the law due to his own ignorance.

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Well...i have been fishing for 28 years and have never heard of this so called 2 rod rule your dad told you. Mine told me 1 rod only. Sorry you got caught but I am guessing you learned your lesson. Usually people are b**ching about lack of MNR presence.....way to go to the MNR!!

Just a heads up for all u bashers.. it was 2 rods in the lake that my dad tought me and i just figured it was on land too... had i known i would have only used one rod.. i was just pissed because i didnt get a warning or nothing just a ticket... and i see people fishing for oos fish all the time and it pisses me off when i call the mnr and they dont show up!!!!!

And my attitude was fine the c/o was actually a plain clothes guy and he happened to be a nice guy, he said the only reason why he was not taking my stuff was cause i was a good guy and was not yelling at him... i actually wouldnt mind seeing them out more often. fact of the matter is what happened, happened learned a new law that i didnt know and will now follow it. i dont even keep fish so im not a poacher. tyhe reason i was using two lines was because the fishing sucked i had a lind down with a leach on it and wasnt getting anything so i left it in a decided to toss some lures....

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You came on a little strong with the lingo TD & that encouraged strong answers ....not really bashing you . I agree that it was not a big deal since you were not filling up buckets full of fish like others do many times per week . I believe you learned something and it was a heavy fine . I had an issue with a wrong licence sticker on a new card & the CO gave me time to straighten it out . The fine would have been only $50 , but it cost me nothing after proving CTC screwed it up . Good on ya for being polite , it's always best to address these guys in a business like manner .

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You took the words right out of my mouth If you can't read yet, fishing should not be a priority for you. you can obviously read so I have no sympathy for you what so ever


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Bashers? :blink: I think that you have changed your tune when you got no sympathy for getting caught breaking the regs.

But calling people names because of it, is a little much. Pretty immature attitude if you ask me. :angry2:

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Bashers? :blink: I think that you have changed your tune when you got no sympathy for getting caught breaking the regs.

But calling people names because of it, is a little much. Pretty immature attitude if you ask me. :angry2:

First of all i was not looking for sympathy.. just venting a little, Second of all i can obviously read. I dont recall calling anyone names and as for being immature i think the simpsons pic says it all!!!!

I understand he was doing his job by giving me a fine and i do blame myself for not knowing the law, but i just dont understand why it is a law. Dont see the harm in having one line down with a worm and one rod for casting... Geuss from now on its one or the other.

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Sucks you had to learn the hard way about the two rod rule.

Growing up in Hamiltion lots of us kids would use one fishing rod

and use a drop line for the pan fish.

It was what we did. I/we didn't know you could only use one line until we got older and had to buy our licence.

You found out in your thread some are not willing to empathize with you.

Tough way to learn the regs, but it's done.

Get out there, catch some fish, have some fun and perhaps put up a post or two with some pictures.


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First of all i was not looking for sympathy.. just venting a little, Second of all i can obviously read. I dont recall calling anyone names and as for being immature i think the simpsons pic says it all!!!!

I understand he was doing his job by giving me a fine and i do blame myself for not knowing the law, but i just dont understand why it is a law. Dont see the harm in having one line down with a worm and one rod for casting... Geuss from now on its one or the other.

It's the because far too many out there can't even look after one rod and to prevent people from hogging bank space which is shrinking all the time.

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All the doo-doo talking around here makes this forum look like all the other ones. Simply an answer like " Top dog next time read the regs , no big deal " Would be more appropriate ...I admit myself that somtimes the regs can get some what confusing, totally understand that!.....As for the fact you seen other people catching oos fish, well its the same thing as I got ticket right by my house for doing 15km over the speed limit. I see people doing alot worse then that, but I got caught in the wrong spot at the wrong time, just like yourself. As for the whole MNR, they def need some more help, and should be hireing more people.



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I think the number of rods law is lame. Who cares if the guy fishes with 1 or 2 rods. You're only allowed to keep X amount of fish no matter how you catch them. There are other laws to take care of the people that are keeping more than they should or fishing OOS. The only legitimate argument I can think of, is can you imagine what Trouting in Port would look like if everyone used 2 rods? But if you're not interferring with other fishers and you got 2 rods on the go, you won't hear me complain.

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It's called sportfishing for a reason. Having more than one rod out gives you an unfair advantage. Why not just throw out a net and catch them then? because it's not 'sporting'. It also helps to preserve the fisheries. Even though your allowed daily catch limits with only one rod you might not even catch your limit for the day. With 2 rods you up your chances of success but are being less sporting. Even if you are doing catch and release you run the risk of deep hooking the fish on the rod you are leaving unattended because the fish has the bait for a longer time before you set the hook.

Sometimes we have to learn tough lessons. I had a similar one in the boat that cost me $100 u.s. for going through the gap on the tip Grand Island too fast instead of going around the breakwall. Even though hundreds of boats do the same thing every summer. I learned something and others I told also learned something so hopefully your post may have been educational for others out there and they won't make the same mistake.

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A guy is fishing with a float & worm.........and he is casting a Rapala with the "2nd" rod......Wham !!! :o ....he hooks a monster on the Rap ....as it peels out the line , the float goes down and the pole shakes hard as line is peeling off the reel (or the rod is disapperaing into the drink) .

"WHATCHAGONNADO" ??? :blink::angry2: ........... :D

In the meanwhile , Mr.Mnr happens by & says....."Need some help boy " ??? :)

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I don't think fishing with two rods gives shore anglers that much of an advantage.

The various forums I read, most shore fishermen are lucky to get into a few fish. And most that I see are carp, catfish, sheephead and a few bass and pike with some pan fish thrown in also. Alot of the fish caught are dinks.

I fish alot from a canoe to up my chances, and my catch has increased ten fold as a result of being able to move around quickly. Most shore folks don't have that advantage as there are limited spots to fish, and sometimes they are crowded.

To me, the unfair advantage goes to the guys fishing the lakes with two rods.

They have fish finders and other various electronics, and a motor to move them from one spot to another in just minutes.

We have all seen the various posts and pictures from various forums of the multitude of fish caught from the lakes, be it salmon, trout, walleye, bass and perch. Also look how many of these fish are wasted and trashed in the various derbys, which thousands of anglers enter.

Really how ''sporting'' is fishing out of boat with electronics to assist you. Shore anglers are fishing blind for the most part.

Shore anglers don't impact the fishery as much as the boat anglers, and this is not even mentioning the commercial fish business, where thousands of fish are caught. One even got fined the other day.

As far as the odd shore spot being over fished, that's mostly due to the pics being posted without care being taken not to give the spot away. Also when some of these shore spots are over fished, I find it's by people who take their whole families fishing, and claim their two or three young children, almost still in diapers caught some of the fish caught.

Regardless, rules are in place, know them and abide by them.


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I think the MNR should make it one rod per angler ether on shore or in a boat.If you fish a pier on the lake with one rod,and a boat drifts by an the guy is using two rods .Is that not discrimination ,because the guy on shore can afford a boat? Or make it 2 rods per angler,but not both. Just my 2 cents

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I think the MNR should make it one rod per angler ether on shore or in a boat.If you fish a pier on the lake with one rod,and a boat drifts by an the guy is using two rods .Is that not discrimination ,because the guy on shore can afford a boat? Or make it 2 rods per angler,but not both. Just my 2 cents

Wow that is exactly RIGHT.... It just doesnt make sence...... if im on shore and a guy is 10 or 15 feet away from me he can use 2 rods cause he is in a boat... :dunno::Gonefishing: But oh well....

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Well , I have read some great answers on this , both pro & con ! You guys are starting to confuse my old mellon ! :blink: . In other words , change the rules to use either one rod for ALL or two rods for ALL ......I would prefer the one rod ruling , or change fish limits to smaller keeps . Funny , when comparing our way of fishing to netters , we are a drop in the bucket & have so many regs.to follow. Catching fish these days is so much easier with all the new tools we have including dropping a camera down to check them out . I can fore-see a problem shore fishing with two rods......like how much space between your rods do you need or want ? I think there would be a few rods (& people) tossed into the drink over "territorial rights" :dunno::unsure::Gonefishing:

Good worm pickin tonight ! :ph34r:

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Sure to get some ridicule here...

But I have read through most of the posts on this topic... and i do agree that a majority of the MNR rules are cash grabs... as like I seen mentioned... they seem to be not be around when there is a doo-doo ton of poaching happening... especially for pre-season bass.... hell this year alone when fishing the weekend of pike opener on gibson, of the 20-25 people I seen on lake gibson near the tubes, I was the only one goin for pike. Every other person I asked openly stated they were out for bass, and were throwing tons of lovely crankbaits, and they were catching... and some keeping fish left and right. But no MnR around... they are a joke. I too have been harassed and fined for the 2 rod thing. Best part was I didnt have the other "line' or "rod" in use.... it was sitting beside me, line out of water but baited as I was tossing it in when I was getting follows and no strikes. the MnR guy came up, took apart my rod and made it look like he was packing up, accused me of using both rods when I clearly wasnt, accused me of taking OOS fish, and keeping them in my cooler, that he got to see was full of water bottles [both empty and full] and still proceeded to write me the 125$ fine. Basically stating I could fight it in welland if I chose to, but it would not get overturned and he would make sure of that. This was last year, early june.

Alot of you praise the MnR, and think you will continue to do so until you get unjustly accused too. Especially since I have seen many people on here post and try and state that the MnR are great and all the anglers that get tagged by them are getting what they deserve for this rule or that... But in truth I have recognized several of our posters by their pics doing exactly what people are getting tagged for, but are quick to tell someone they got what they deserved because they were lucky enough to not get caught for the same thing.

And when it comes down to it.... it's BS really, and I have and will have no respect for the MnR anytime in the future.

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Ok...... this has only now dawned on me.... does the regulation summary actually specify 'from a boat'? I thought it only made reference to using two lines in the great lakes. That would include from shore or boat so long as you were in the great lakes fishing division?

I could be wrong. I don't have a copy of the regs handy, and I only ever fish with one line anyhow unless I'm icefishing.

An angler may use only one line, unless otherwise stated in the regulations. Two lines may be used when angling from a boat in parts of the Great Lakes (refer to the Exceptions to the Zone Regulations for the zone in which you are fishing).

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You also need to know where you have to stop using two lines when entering harbours & bays off the great lakes .

e.g. I fish the Bay of Quinte which is like a big bay off Lake Ont . We cannot use two lines from a boat until we are past (east of ) the ferry crossing which is the last long stretch of water before entering the lake .(Adolphas Reach) I'm not sure where the boundary line is a Port Dalhousie or Hamilton Harbour. I have no problem with the present rules as long as the fishery in the lakes is still producing good numbers of fish .I think that's the key right there . :lol::Gonefishing:

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You also need to know where you have to stop using two lines when entering harbours & bays off the great lakes .

e.g. I fish the Bay of Quinte which is like a big bay off Lake Ont . We cannot use two lines from a boat until we are past (east of ) the ferry crossing which is the last long stretch of water before entering the lake .(Adolphas Reach) I'm not sure where the boundary line is a Port Dalhousie or Hamilton Harbour. I have no problem with the present rules as long as the fishery in the lakes is still producing good numbers of fish .I think that's the key right there . :lol::Gonefishing:


These are the regs for zone 15 through 20 i think... its a little confusing as far as the zoning goes..

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Sure to get some ridicule here...

But I have read through most of the posts on this topic... and i do agree that a majority of the MNR rules are cash grabs... as like I seen mentioned... they seem to be not be around when there is a doo-doo ton of poaching happening... especially for pre-season bass.... hell this year alone when fishing the weekend of pike opener on gibson, of the 20-25 people I seen on lake gibson near the tubes, I was the only one goin for pike. Every other person I asked openly stated they were out for bass, and were throwing tons of lovely crankbaits, and they were catching... and some keeping fish left and right. But no MnR around... they are a joke. I too have been harassed and fined for the 2 rod thing. Best part was I didnt have the other "line' or "rod" in use.... it was sitting beside me, line out of water but baited as I was tossing it in when I was getting follows and no strikes. the MnR guy came up, took apart my rod and made it look like he was packing up, accused me of using both rods when I clearly wasnt, accused me of taking OOS fish, and keeping them in my cooler, that he got to see was full of water bottles [both empty and full] and still proceeded to write me the 125$ fine. Basically stating I could fight it in welland if I chose to, but it would not get overturned and he would make sure of that. This was last year, early june.

Alot of you praise the MnR, and think you will continue to do so until you get unjustly accused too. Especially since I have seen many people on here post and try and state that the MnR are great and all the anglers that get tagged by them are getting what they deserve for this rule or that... But in truth I have recognized several of our posters by their pics doing exactly what people are getting tagged for, but are quick to tell someone they got what they deserved because they were lucky enough to not get caught for the same thing.

And when it comes down to it.... it's BS really, and I have and will have no respect for the MnR anytime in the future.

This is a really unfortunate post to which I would like to hear the other side of the story.

If you see members of this board or any other being a hypocrite and doing exactly what they preach not to do by all means snap a picture. Tell them what they are doing wrong in case you are wrongly accusing them and if they give you undue grief, post it on the forum for all to see like that sturgeon poacher. If what you claim is accurate, I would like the name of the CO responsible (in a pm). Even if you casted the second rod just before reeling in the first, you could have been fined. If the officer had laid countless similar charges that day, he may have been fed up by the time he reached you.

We all know how bad the poaching and rule breaking is around here. That is why we constantly call for more enforcement. Imagine being one of the few officers in this area. It wouldn't take long to get sick and tired of anglers. We need more blitzes to get the message out to deter this behaviour in the first place and discourage the littering poachers from straying from the grocery store in the first place.

As for the 2 rod rule I'll agree with knightfisher and with those who think it should be reviewed. Perhaps with some stipulations and additional rules it wouldn't hurt to up your odds because in the end your limit won't change. I just wonder how many who support multiple rods from shore would be upset when the guys at the end of the pier follow the new rules. As for two rods at the kids derby............................ I think the fish would be safe :lol:

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Being a former employee of the MNR, I have seen the other side of the fence. Before ripping on the CO's too hard, just know that these guys are working with next to nothing in terms of resources. Yes, it would be nice if they were there every time a serious offence was taking place, but the fact of the matter is.............they can't. Also, if you break any of the rules, regardless of how minimal, they WILL ticket you because every penny of revenue collected helps justify keeping their jobs. You would do the exact same thing if you were in their position.

The problem is not the CO's, it's the guys who choose to ignore the regulations. If everyone played by the rules, the CO's could focus more time on the bigger fish to fry.

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You mean those trollers who are laying out all the nets despite being beyond their quota and then tossing half the incidental catch back in the drink to sink to the bottom?

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